Chapter 12|If our lips should meet Innamorata|

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POV: Celestia Riddle


Yule. One of the most important holidays to celebrate as a wizard. It's celebrated to mark the rebirth of the sun after the winter solstice, the longest night of the year as well as to cleanse oneself in preparation for the new year. Literally taking 'new year, new me' to a literal level.

Like all rituals, the one we do for Yule brings energy and life to Lady magic. The Ritual is taking a log, decorating it with fruits, and flowers, and other items of nature birthed in the cold winters, and then it is burned.

But it's also my favorite time of year, because of the Malfoy Yule ball. It officially starts at 8, but we usually arrive at 6. When it starts, that's when the dance happens. The dance is between the Heirs of the invited families and their partners. But usually heirs do the dance once they become of Hogwarts age. I've always dreamed of the day I'll get to do it. And today is the day. Snd not only that, I get to do it with Marcus.

I sit at my vanity, finishing up with my hair when the door to my room opens. I whip my head back over to my door. There stood Hadrian.

"You ready, Hades? Who're you going with again?"

"Hermione Granger. First year Ravenclaw."

"Oh, the girl who kept staring at me in class."

"Yeah, apparently she finds your skill fascinating. She can be kinda a pretentious prick sometimes, but she's nice."

"Yea, no shit, she better have been nice, if she'd been a toxic bitch either you'd have blown her to oblivion, or I'd have made her suffer."

He rolls his eyes at my comment. "You look amazing in that dress though."

"Oh, I know. You don't look half bad yourself, Hades."

"Oh my! What have I done to be graced with compliments from a goddess!" He teased in an over dramatic voice, putting the back of his hand over his forehead and pretending to faint.

I chuckle to myself as I finish up with my makeup. "So, are you ready to go?"

"No, i'm totally not ready, I still have so much I need to do." He stated, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

I sigh, a slight chuckle behind. "Meet me at the floo, I'll be there in a moment." I say, Hades nodding then leaving my room.

It didn't take too long for me to reach the floo, nearly everyone there. We were only missing Ana, Uncle Reggie, and Sirius.

Ana and Aleks would be going with one another, while Uncle Jamie would be going with Uncle Reggie. Sirius' is going with Uncle Remus, but he'd be meeting us there. It's so obvious the two like each other, it's hilarious. They're both just too much of a coward to confess.

Anyways, apparently Hades is going with Granger, Luna's going with Neville- which I find adorable. My little baby sister finally has a date to the Malfoy Yule ball. Fleur's going with a Weasley to my surprise. She didn't say which Weasley it was, though. It's no surprise i'd be going with Marcus, he's my bloody boyfriend after all.

Now, from what the rest have told me in letters, Pavarti's with Blaise, Padma's with the Ravenclaw Quidditch captain, Roger Davies, Daphne's with Dragon, Tracy's with Teddy, and Lav's going with a boy of the name Zacharias.

But that's not it, actually. I feel bad for the twins. Mrs. Weasley made them go with two Gryffindors. Two Gryffindors that are complete arseholes to the whole group. Angelina Johnson and Katie Bell.

At that moment, the rest got to the fireplace. We all entered the floo one at a time after Aleks activated it and keyed it to Malfoy Manor.

Once we all stepped out of the floo... Dragon nearly tackled me to the floor in a hug, whining about missing me, though it's been only 3 days. Auntie Narcissa and Uncle Lucius greeted the adults as we followed Dragon to the drawing room.

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