Cat Fight! Or Is It A Chicken Fight?

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(Casey's P.O.V)
As a first grader, I'd like to think of myself as pretty smart. I could spell the words when and because, and addition was a breeze for me.
I'm pretty advanced.

Today was a good day in class. A substitute teacher would be arriving, and any self respecting prankster like me would realize that they were the perfect target for my wrath.

I think now is a good time to mention that substitute teachers are weird in general, but this one was just plain odd. He had really messy dark hair, and I swear it looked like he had two horns. What a weirdo. He also walked on his tippy toes like I did when reaching for the box of cookies my Mom hides in the cabinet.

"I'm Mr. Gates," He told us, but I thought his name was funny. He looked kind of young but acted like some old guy. I glanced down at his shoes. Even though he had some stupid suit on he was wearing a pair of red fancy sneakers underneath. Double weirdo.

The class stared at the guy with blank faces, me included.

The guy rubbed his neck like he was itchy and said something I couldn't hear.

Disinterested, I picked up a red crayon and drew flowers in the corner of my worksheet. Horn Head, as I decided to call him, started talking about math. I continued tuning him out.

Horn Head kept glancing at me as I drew, and I stuck out my tongue at him. He looked mildly offended, but at the same time he smiled funny.

I decided I didn't like this weirdo sub or his weirdo looks.


We had snack time and Horn Head excused himself to go talk to some teachers or something. I went up to the edge of his desk and grabbed his brief case and almost opened it, but decided against it.

I shrugged and pushed it off the desk.

I pulled a sticky glue bottle out of my large purple dinosaur hoodie pocket. With a tiny giggle, I managed to unscrew the lid off. This wasn't the kind of glue my classmates liked to eat. This was the kind people didn't get off easily.

I giggled again and poured the stuff on the black swirly chair at the teacher's desk. I let some of the bottle spill onto the floor before putting it down on the floor. I was about to go back to my seat when I saw the star chart.

I had four stars, but some other kids had as much as ten! You get them for stuff like doing your homework and raising your hand. It's so stupid. I put every star sticker on the sheet next to my name before going back to my seat.

I picked up my animal crackers and began eating, trying to stifle my giggles as the stupid Horn Head came back into the room.

I watched out of the corner of my eye as he brought out some stupid book about cats and hats and two siblings. Some doctor wrote it. I thought doctors were supposed to be smart.

Horn Head didn't sit on his chair. I was disappointed.

I was glad when Horn Head said our parents were finally going to come pick us up. I grabbed my backpack out of the cubbyhole and rushed out of the room before he could give me another weirdo look. What a stupid head.

I saw two older girls outside. They were twelve and thirteen. In my personal opinion I thought I was smart enough to be in sixth grade right along with 'em. Division can't be that hard anyway.

They headed over to me. I grinned at them, my missing front tooth and all. "Hi Taylor! Hi Meghan!" I hollered to my friends. Some people gave me looks. I looked back.

My friends and me all walked to the school library. Taylor said she had to do a project for someone named Mrs. Dicasse. The teacher lady didn't sound nice.

"I can prank her," I offered to Taylor. Nobody blames first graders for those sorts of things.

Taylor shook her head, but I decided I would anyway.

I turned to the other girl, Meghan Jackson. She had black hair and I tugged on her arm. "Hm?" She asked.

I was annoyed by her ignoring me, so I huffed and went, "Piggy back?" She wasn't able to resist my cute face.

With Meghan carrying me, I could see the world much better. That also meant I saw the bush behind us rustle.

"Meghan," I whispered sort of quietly to her. I tugged on her black hair, "There's something in the bush."

"What are you taking about-" Meghan was cut off as something jumped out of the bush. Psh, called it.

I couldn't really tell you what that something was, so I just screamed what seemed right, "CHICKEN LADY!"

It had a lady head with frizzy orange hair that looked dyed. The arms were actually white wings and her body was normal. I threw my red crayon at it, which I had been holding.

Then someone else came out of nowhere and hit the chicken lady with their brief case. I recognized it to be Horn Head, but he was wear normal clothes now. The chicken lady disappeared into golden dust that I kind of wanted to touch. Really badly.

I heard a bam behind me and looked behind me. Taylor had passed out.

"That's not good," Hornhead mumbled.

Another lady came running up to us. She looked at Taylor for a second before saying a bad word under her breath, "What happened Ethan!?"

"We have a lot of explaining to do," Ethan said. He lifted Taylor over his shoulder, "I'll take you guys back to my apartment for a bit."

I tugged on Meghan's sleeve and whispered, "Isn't this kidnapping?"

So apparently I was rewriting some stuff cause I was bored and I stopped halfway and forgot about it. Then peoPLE ACTUALLY READ MY WORK SO I HAD TO FIX IT.

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