chapter 4

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Smut 🚨🚨

Seokjin was looking at Namjoon shining like star it was small event at home Jung Hoseok famous composer and business elite is engaged to Namjoon. He sipped his drink in one he held Yoongi's arm and dragged him to his room he took him in passionate kiss.

Yoongi kissed him back he took his shirt off he licked his abs Yoongi threw his head in pleasure he sucked on seokjin's neck "aghhhh, yeah I want you inside me yoongs!" Seokjin demanded.

Yoongi took his clothes off, he sucked on his breasts he was careful and gentle with him "baby you are so delicate!" Yoongi told him

He inserted his finger inside his pussy, "aghhh!" Seokjin moaned
"Yeah more,more harder I want real thing Yoongi fill me!" Seokjin asked again.

He increased his speed he pushed two fingers Seokjin squirmed and came "I want you Yoongi!" He asked again.

"Seokjin I will take you after marriage, I can only do this right now plus I don't want to use condom with you, I don't want any barrier, between us!" He told him kissing his lips.

"You are old school Yoongi!" Seokjin huffed "now aren't you going to solve my problem?" Yoongi asked taking his member out of his pants.

Seokjin's eyes turned wide "omo it is huge Yoongi plus I have shoot tomorrow take care of your problem I need to sleep!" With that he wore his clothes and left Yoongi hanging by thread.

Yoongi shook his head, looking at blue head of his member he walked to bathroom to solve his issue.

Namjoon's pov:
We engaged after three months of dating to be honest Hoseok is kind and funny he made me happy we laugh at most stupid things. It felt like I got a friend, I felt bad that I didn't got Yoongi but I think Hoseok is what I need.

I missed Jackson, Hoba as he told me to call him is pure joy I felt like I am blessed.

For first time father made a right decision for me for my happiness.

That's when Jin entered wearing his v-line jump suit looking ethereal.

"Oh hi hoseokah, how is Micky and Sydney?" He asked him.
I looked confused "you still remember them jinie?" He asked him.

"Of course we spend great time in states your compositions were our background music remember, you remember we used to go on beach and swim!" Seokjin said

Hobi smiled "of course and you always stuck by my side afraid of sting ray!" Hobi laughed.

I was sitting there just looking at both I know they both know each but I didn't know they know each other deeply.

"Yeah I was there when someone took your bikini from beach, that day God saved you from embarrassment jinnie!" Hoseok said I felt knot in my stomach.

"Yeah and you gave me your shirt, I can't thank you enough Hope!" He told him.

"Hope?" I asked
"Yeah only I call him hope MY hope that day I gave him this name!" Seokjin told me.

I excused myself as I got urgent call. When I came back both already left I didn't like the way Seokjin was looking and talking to Hoseok.

I called him but he didn't received my call. Taehyung's college has also started, as usual he had more interest in arts so he chosed arts while Jungkook chosed to study business. I also offered him internship he is good lad always following me in office like little brother.

Third person pov:
Hoseok and Namjoon doing great, but they never did any physical touch more than hugging or holding hands for Namjoon it was enough as he wanted to do all after marriage.

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