Chapter 20

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Chapter 20:

Alex's Point Of View:

"You brought me to Paris?!"

We were on the very top of the Eiffel Tower. The whole city was looking absolutely beautiful and I could surely see why they called it the 'City of Love.'

I grab Nico's shoulders and pulled him into a big hug.

"Thank you so much," I mumble into his chest.

"You like it?" he asked, smiling.

"I love it."

We sat down at this table covered with food. Fairy lights decorated the sides and some candles were lit in a candleholder.

"This is the best first date ever."

I smile at Nico as he shyly pushed his hair back.

"I didn't know wether you'd like that much, but I brought you here because you'd always told me you loved Paris. So I thought of bringing you here."

"This is the most amazing thing anyone has ever done for me di Angelo. Why wouldn't I like it?" I smiled as I tried to cut my steak. "How'd you do this anyway? And the food . . .?"

"I kind of got help from Aphrodite?"

My eyes widened as I laughed at his expression.


"I wanted everything to be perfect okay?" Nico defended himself. I stopped laughing and smiled.

"It is perfect. Because I'm here with you."

* * *

"Promise me that you'll never leave me . . . "

Nico and I were back at the hill where we had first kissed and were lying on a blanket.

We were star gazing whilst my hand clutched onto his tightly.

I had propped up my head against my elbow so that I could ask him this question.

He looked at me with a small smile.

"I promise."

We leaned in slowly and once again, our lips connecting felt like a thousand of butterflies had been let out in the open in my stomach.



do you hear me crying?

dO yOu sEE My TeARS?


There's going to be a epilogue next of course and you'll finally find out about that surprise! ;"))

Also, shoutout to _Anonymous-Author_ and virtual_reject for guessing the right answer! Love you guys!!

Some of you guessed Paris, but that wasn't technically correct so yeah . . . sorry <33

Vote and comment to get the epilogue updated faster so that you guys can find out the news and find out what happens to #Alico! ;))

Love you!! x

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