Chapter 6

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"My dad be the man! Or maybe I'm just about to die. Any moment. Yeah..."


Chapter 6:

Alex's Point Of View:

"Those are the cabins, you'll be living in that one for a while!" Mya said pointing enthusiastically at a wooden cabin. A bunch of campers were going in and out of it.

After Mya had shown up, Leo had shut up and Green Eyes (whose name was still unknown to me) had gone to help Grover with my bags. Nico had disappeared and Mya had dragged me to explore camp. It was pretty cool and I loved the lake. I've always had a love for swimming and I loved to be in the water. It helped me think.

"What do you mean 'a while'?" I asked.

"Until you get claimed, you live in the Hermes cabin!" Mya said.

She grabbed my hand and led me to the cabin door where two guys, twins I guess, were standing.

"Hiya' Mya!" One of the boys, who appeared to be just an inch taller than the other said.

"Connor, Travis," Mya said nodding at them.

"This is Alex guys! She's going to be living here just for a few days until she gets claimed! I want you take care of her and don't steal anything from her. Okay?" Mya said narrowing her eyes towards the two boys.

"Okay. We won't try anything," They said together looking amused.

"Wait, what about my bags?" I asked Mya.

"Oh you mean the blue backpack and suitcase?" Travis (I guess) said.

"Yeah... why?" I asked curiously.

"Well, first Percy wouldn't let go of them. Then... well, somebody got hurt... and it wasn't pretty. Your suitcase is here though," Connor finishes.

"Who's Percy? And who got hurt?" I asked confused.

"Percy Jackson is the camp's official sassiest and heroic, hero! Does that make sense? You know heroic, hero? What if I added-" I cut of Travis inquisitive questions and asked,"Is he the one with the green eyes?"

Connor nodded. Oh. So he has a thing for blue coloured stuff.

"Anyway, Alex I hope you have fun at camp, oh and by the way, you have archery classes tomorrow at one! Also, Chiron would like to talk to you at dinner okay? Besides that if you need any help, come to me! I will be in the Apollo cabin if you need anything!" Mya said before abruptly hugging me and running towards her cabin. I couldn't believe she said that all in one breath.

Well, she's nice... and weird.

"Are you coming or...?" Connor asked.

I nodded towards him and entered my temporary new home.


"Come on Alex! Time for dinner!" Connor yelled at me.

I quickly packed up my guitar and stored away my songbook and mini amplifier. Yes, I had bought my mini amplifier, and stuck it in one of my suitcases.

"What's the hurry?" I asked Travis.

"We like to get there early. Besides you have to talk to Chiron!" he said before going to round up all the others.


I saw a lot of people at dinner. Percy, Leo, Mya but the only one that caught my eye was Nico. He was sitting alone at his table and picking at his food. I wanted to invite him over but it wasn't allowed.

I went to the fire earlier to sacrifice my food for my dad. And all I said was,"Please dad, claim me! And please don't screw up my life!"

We were all now sitting at the campfire and Nico was besides me. We weren't talking but I caught his attention.That was the time that ruined my life.

It was when Travis pointed out,"Alex... I think you just got claimed." He said before pointing at my head.

I looked up to see glowing light and... IS THAT A TRIDENT?! WHAT? MY DAD'S...

"Your dad's Poseidon!" Nico said in complete shock.

Same here buddy, same here.

Chiron looked at me as if he was witnessing my funeral.

"Poseidon," said Chiron. "Earthshaker, Stormbringer, Father of Horses. All Hail, Alexandra Campbell, Daughter of the Sea God."

And he bowed down towards me. Everyone followed him which made me feel weird.

Well from what I heard, being a child of the Big Three was the worst thing one could experience so . . .

Let the death threats begin.


Hey! Here's the ultimate revelation guys! The story has just started ;))

Love you so much for all the vote and reads! <33

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