Chapter 2

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"I put the hot in psychotic."


Chapter 2:

Nico's Point Of View:

"Grover, this is a very bad idea! This is wrong, we can't do this! It's their private conversation! And besides, it's very awkward to go in... there," I shudder as I whisper to Grover who was crouching next to me. At times, Grover's had his stupid set of ideas, but this is the worst.

"Nico, we have to keep an eye on her, what if some monster showed up... Huh? Think about that! We have to keep her safe!" He says.

Even though he's right, I'm not going into a shop called 'Victoria's Secret'.

"No way! You can go, but I'm not going in there," I say with finality and get up from behind the potted plant to go to the food court. I'm not taking any action in Grover's plans however tempting they may be. (You have no proof I said tempting.)

"Fine! We won't go!" Grover says pouting while trying to run with his fake feet.

Don't wanna' go alone do ya' buddy?

"We can wait," I say shrugging.

He nods as if to acknowledge what I had just said but the only thing going inside that satyr's head is 'Girls' and 'Food'.


We saw her walk out of that shop about 20 minutes later. Her elder sister who looked about 18, was talking on the phone while carrying some bags.

Alex looked bored out of her mind. I bet her sister was one of those typical blonde (Yes, her sister's blonde!) girls. I hate them with their boyfriends and tiny dresses and girly things.

He turned for a second before spotting us and waving. We waved back and Grover called her over. Suddenly, all the things I knew about how to respire disappeared and my breath got stuck in my lungs.

"Nico, try to exhale, its nice," Grover said teasingly just before she walked over.

"Hey guys! Funny seeing you here!" she says smiling.

"We were just out for lunch. Wanna' join?" Grover asks smiling back. I stay quiet because I knew if I speak I would say something wrong.

"I'll just ask my sister!" she says before running off.


Alex's Point Of View:

"Hey Bella, can I go with my friends?" I ask my annoying elder sister.

"Sure, whatever! Be home by 8:00!" She says before walking off chatting with her man-whore boyfriend. Or should I say boyfriends.

I quickly walk towards Nico and Grover eternally cheering I don't have to spend the day with my slutty sister trying on lingerie.

"Hey guys!" I say before taking a seat.

"So... Are you guys going to Ally's party?" I ask them. I was invited but Ally doesn't seem to like me very much after today's seating (Yeah, she's still angry!).

"Nope! We were invited but we didn't feel like going!" Grover says before nudging Nico to say something. He just nods.

I didn't feel like going but with these guys, it will be fun even if I don't know them that much. And Kaitlyn's going so cheers!

"Well dress up boys, because we are going to the party of the year!" I say grinning like a maniac.


Sorry for the delay guys! <33

But I love you all, so please vote and comment and be the most amazing person on this Earth.

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