Chapter 31:

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'This girl is only gonna break your heart'

Chapter 31:

(Dylan's POV)

Why did i feel so insecure that i felt that i can't protect her anymore? knowing that she left and something bad happened to her without me knowing hurt like nothing else had before. I love that woman to death but she does make her life harder than it has to be. I don't want to be a controlling boyfriend because she has experience that and as much as i hated it watching her be with that scum who has cursed her for life of this evil, she wasn't getting hurt by the outside world and getting into trouble. 

I got out the car first and made myself go in the house and not wait for her, considering what has just happened I knew that this was a stupid move. When I saw that she had no cover over her eyes, I panicked not just about the immortal community but also for her exposure and what that could lead to. 

When I got in, I walked straight over to the balcony and inhaled and exhaled deeply. I held onto the bar in front of me tightly not before wiping away my stupid tears. I could hear her voice from afar:

"Hey mom ..." I could hear her voice sounding fragile like she was crying.

"Mom I need to talk to you ... No I heard about Lorenzo's engagement ... yes it's different ... Can I come round soon? ... Not today I can't do today ... I know ... Mom please ... Yeah ... Okay ... Yeah I can do then ... Mom? ... I miss you ... Mom? Mom?" Her conversation with her mom was short but she still sounded upset. I decided to walk back to the car and saw her crying in her lap looking down at her hands. 

I walked around to the passengers side door and opened it. She still looked down at her lap ignoring me standing there. I lent against the top of the car, looking down at her. She wiped under her eye's with the back of her hand, her white eyes brightening as she cried. 

"Why?" I asked referring to her conversation with her mom.

"You heard?" She asked still looking down at her lap. I saw a single tear run down her cheek and felt sympathy for her.  I understood why she was meeting up with her family now, i wouldn't have guessed because all my family were immortal.  She looked breath-taking even in tears, she looked like a diamond in the mud, the mud being her tears. Her outfit took me by surprise as well, i could comment on her looks for hours

"Actually don't answer that" i said changing my mind. She looked at me confused and i could see her eyes stare into mine, welled up and upset. Without me thinking another word, she was hugging me tightly before i could blink and also taking me by surprise. We were both out of the car standing hugging. So this was a small sneak peak of her super human speed, i could tell she was fast due to the force she pushed onto me. 

"I'm sorry you have to be like this" i said in her ear, she hugged me tighter in response.

"It's not your fault, i'm just glad your here" She said as she let me go. I looked into her eye's and saw true beauty as she smiled when i put my hand to hold her head up. She closed her eyes tight as i wiped away her tears with my other hand. I brought my hand down from under her eyes, took her hand and kissed her deeply. Her free hand held onto my arm and for the first time not just in her immortal life but also in mine, we weren't worried. She was the first to break away from our embrace and guided her to the house. 

Walking in, I could see her eyes were adjusting to the light, I could hear the sound of her heels pattering on the floor come to a stop as i walked to the kitchen. I knew she would need some blood to help with the transitioning and i kept a bit in a far back cupboard in a cold area so nobody could get to it. Any bad or damaged blood cells in her body will be thrown up leaving her with not that many so it's easier to feed on it. I always found it disgusting but apparently it helps from feeling nauseated. 

"So i hear that you've got a power?" I said jumping on top of the kitchen surface as i went into the cupboard loosing my arm to try and find it.  I watched as she laughed a little looking around amazed by something in the air.

"Yeah, I can run now" she said making a joke about her speed. I laughed at her joke, watching her look like she was picking something out of the air whilst i think i was grabbing the bag of blood. 

"Ha ha what are you doing?" I said grabbing the bag, putting it next to me and jumping of the kitchen surface, I took out a glass from the cupboard as she answered my question.

"Is everything so focused?" she asked shaking her head out of the trance and decided to walk over to the kitchen island and lent on it playfully as i explained.

"Kind of, It won't be obvious over time but it will always be there" i commented cutting opening the bag with some scissors and pouring it in the glass. I slide the glass over to her side of the island as she took  seat. 

"Here" I said as it reached her. She looked at me up and down with confusion and then looked at the glass crossing her arms. 

"What is it?" she asked picking it up and investigating it. 

"B positive" I stated which confused her even more.

"Blood" I said plain and simple and as soon as i did, she put it down in front of her and slide it back to my side of the island

"No way am i drinking that" she said as i lent over the island. 

"Trust me, it's like a aphrodisiac for nausea" I said sliding it back to her side of the kitchen's island. She contemplated it for a second and held it up evaluating the glass. She downed it suddenly like a shot and put the glass on the island. She didn't look like she didn't like the taste but knowing the taste personally, everything tastes the same, it all tastes like blood. 

"Okay it wasn't that bad" she said wiping the blood from around her mouth with her fingers.

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