Chapter 25:

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'No i'

Chapter 25:

(Dylan's POV)

After 34 hours of not leaving Ella's side and watching her not move an inch, i went downstairs to check on the others. Julia and dad were talking in the kitchen so i decided to eavesdrop on their conversation.

"He needs to go to the council and register her, as far as they know, they have released 'it' on her to sort the issue." she said. The council were like the royal family of anyone who was immortal. They were the original, in our family's case they were our decedents. My granddad was one of them, he didn't approve off much and especially didn't approve of his daughters marriage to his 'colleague's' son. You had to go to them if your family adopted a new member of if you became immortal. It's all about record and power with them. Julia decided that she would work for them when she turned 18. Her and my Granddad are so close and she is like an undercover agent for them which my parents do not approve at all.

"The issue is sorted" he replied

"So tell them." she said. I walked into the conversation and the looked surprised by my presence.

"i'll go tell them, it doesn't look like she is going to wake up soon anyway" i said leaning on the doorway crossing my arms.

"I'll go with you" Julia said putting her hands in her back pockets

"No I'll go by myself" i said. I knew if she would come, she would not only grill me about my relationship with Ella but how she got into this situation in the first place.

"It wasn't up for negotiation" she said walking past me.

"She's going with you son" Dad said. My hand stuck out with confusion, a bad habit of mine.

"Why? what could happen to me? i can't bloody die" i said as she was walking towards the door

"oi no cursing in this house! And for that she's defiantly going" he said slapping me round the head before leaving the kitchen as well. I lean't my head intending to hit my head before leaving the kitchen to go back to my room. I hoped that when i walked in that she would be awake but she was still in the same position as when i had left her. I changed my clothes into black slim fit jeans and my white short sleeved top with a black zip up hoodie with my sambers. I grabbed my phone from the side, kissed Ella on the forehead. I got a piece of paper and a pen and wrote a note to her just in case she woke up before i came back.

'Call me when you wake up, i'll be back ASAP, Dylan x'

I walked downstairs to get Julia unfortunately so we could get going. She was in the living room with mom holding two passports and in a deep conversation.

"Are you ready to go?" i asked interrupting their conversation and walking towards their little huddle.

"Yeah, here's your passport and your ticket" Julia said handing them over to me. I looked at my new passport:

'David Porter,
Washington D.C,
5"10, Male'

"My name's David? What happened to Rodriguez?" I asked referring to my old fake passport.

"He died" she said before walking past me once again but out the front door this time. I looked towards my mum and she just smiled shrugging her thoughts off her.

"See you in twenty-four hours" i said hugging her

"Bye and don't die" she said which made us laugh, An old family joke we have. I walked out the house and saw Julia already in the car in the passenger seat waiting and on her phone. I got in, gave her back the passport and the ticket and drove off to the airport.

"So where are they now?" i asked talking about the council. She came off her phone and put it in her bag and put her feet on the dashboard.

"Bora Bora unfortunately" she said

"Why unfortunately?" i asked turning out of the woods and onto the main road.

"I'm not the one with the problem, all they do is complain about the weather and how it's always too nice." she explained putting the radio on. She turned it down so it became only background music as we spoke.

"They need to get a life" i said as we went into the airport car park.

"That was quick" she commented as i parked

"I don't waste any time" I said. Truth be told, i want to get this done and dusted as quick as possible. I felt terrible for leaving Ella whilst she's like this so the quicker we get this sorted the quicker i can get back to her. She got out and got her bag from the back. I locked the door as we started to walk to the airport. The thing with Julia is she is really good at getting everything to go her way, she manipulates anything and anybody. She didn't get given a power like I had. It was only me and my dad in our little family who had powers: He had the power of foresight. We got through security and customs easily and were soon on the plane to Bora Bora. We never spoke throughout the plane trip, she managed to get our seats in first class which was nice but i was so distracted with Ella and feeling terrible about leaving her that i didn't want to talk . She sat listening to her music and I attempted to watch some film half-heartedly. Once the plane ride was over, the radio silence from the seat next to me spoke.

"You ready?" she asked standing up.

"I just want to get this over and done with" I said honestly.

"You and me both brother, I meant to be in Sydney sorting out business with the apparent immortal coven." she said as we exited the plane. The heat hit me as i took a step outside realizing that there was a lot more air-conditioning on that plane that they were letting off. Once we got out and into the area where people would greet people. There was a man with a piece of paper saying 'O'Brien' on it.

"That's our ride to the island" Julia said barging past me to the guy. I can already see how this trip is going to go ...

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