Chapter 4:

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'It's strange what desire will make'

Chapter 4:

(Dylan's POV)

When we left and started to head for her car, it felt as it was before I left for a moment. I felt my legs go weak but I ignored the sensation as I got in the front seat and as she got in, I noticed something in the corner of my eye of mine in the side pocket of the door. I picked out my old baseball top and held it up to her with confusion. I always wondered where this went. 

"It's my spare top, you know just in case" She explained as she pulled out of the car park and onto the main roads. She didn't look phased that I found it and I couldn't help but smile. 

"Where are we going?" I asked as I put the top back where I found it. I looked around outside the car to see if 'it'  was following us. That crazy psychopathic creature would be able to have sensed that I have been back in contact with her. I glanced over at Ella not wanting this to end. 

"I need to pick up a few things from the office and then wherever," She said still focused on the road. We went silent for a moment but I couldn't feel any awkward tension that there was before. I could see she was thinking about something but when I started playing with the radio, I could see it brought it out of her. 

"You never answered my question," She said disturbing the quiet. The truth is I didn't know how to explain it to her without her freaking out; I don't think she will understand that I left for her protection. If I don't tell her on the other hand, 'it' might come for her and she won't know whats going on.

"Okay. How do I say this?" I questioned myself trying to think of how to put it into words she could understand without her wanting to leave me forever. 

"How about I left because?" She said trying to make it funny. I coughed out a little laugh and smiled at her but she was still focused on the road.

"I wish it was that simple, I left to protect you," I said.

"You've said that already." She replied as if it wasn't a good enough answer. Her face looked hurt and the expression wasn't going to go until I told her everything. 

"I was protecting you from something," I answered.

"From what? the bogey man or something?" She asked laughing a little at her joke.

"From 'it',  its kind of our law keeper for immortal people, 'it's' never really been given a name because nobody has seen 'it' but we all know that it would be better if we didn't see 'it' " I said at the end rambling on to my self. She looked taken back by what I said and carried on. 

"Well I'm not immortal so why would 'it' be after me?" She quizzed as if she was trying to get her head around it. 

"Mortals and immortals aren't allowed to be together in my world. It's been tried and tested countless times but they made the rule that it's frowned upon because it doesn't end well for my kind in the end." I looked at her expression as I explained this to her. She looked to her left, away from me, to hide her emotions.

"So why are you back?" She asked, sounding hurt. I didn't respond to her question until a few silent minutes later. I didn't know how to sugarcoat the next thing I needed to tell her. I think this is why I'm sat here now, just to have a final moment with her. 

"I can't be away from you," I stated. I think this was the most difficult thing I've ever had to say in my life to anyone, only because I knew it was going to hurt her. If I had never have left, I wouldn't be causing her pain. I watched as she pulled to the curb next to her office building and got out of the car. I followed her out of the car and into one of the metallic buildings. 

"Ella" I called but she didn't turn back. I ran after her, her speed walking ahead to her office and me trailing behind her wondering how she can walk so fast in those heels. She got to some elevators and stopped. I got into the elevator with her. She looked down trying to hide from me again. I took hold of her hand and as our fingers intertwined, she turned suddenly and hugged me tight. I could feel her warm skin through my shirt, I could feel her love and that's what mattered at this moment. She let me go as and placed her hand on my face as I slide my hand to her waist. 

"Dylan, I can't," She whispered looking down. She let go of me as the doors opened, when we walked out of the elevator, there were still the same people I remembered working here at there desks working away. I always remembered that Ella's job was extra boring: International Accounts Specialist. That sounds like a job that makes you want to moan every second you're there out of sheer boredom. But I knew she loved it so I never told her.  

"I'll be back in a minute, just don't move" She spoke, turning and feeling awkward before she scattered off to her office. I looked around and remembered the few times Ella and I came in here for a few of her office Christmas parties. I was so into my thoughts that I didn't realize that one of Ella's work friends, and also one of her admirers who used to chase after her, came up to me.

"Mr. O'Brien I thought you were dead," He said offering a handshake that I accepted. I couldn't remember this guy's name but I knew for certain he has not aged well this past year. 

"Still alive and kicking," I said joking around and laughing a little.

"What happened to you? You've been gone, What? A year is it?" He said trying to start a conversation

"Some private troubles" I hesitantly said so I wouldn't technically be lying but also I wouldn't be telling the whole truth. I glanced over him to see where she had gone wanting to get out of here and continue our chat. 

"It's a shame the Mrs moved on then," He said nudging me laughing about it.

"She's the one that got away" I replied looking around to see if she was close so she could save me from this torturous conversation but there was no sign of her.

"I wish I could date her," He said going into his little world which made me feel uncomfortable. I shoved my hands in my pockets awkwardly looking anywhere now but this direction, smiling awkwardly. 

"I mean she's perfection," He explained trying to make his point more vivid. When I saw Ella in the distance, I couldn't help but smile. She was carrying a few big books and files with her laptop bag so I ran over to her to help her carry them. 

"Here give em' to me," I said practically taking them away from her.

"Thanks," She said before walking towards that guy I was talking to. 

"Hey Jerry," She said and he blushed like a 12-year-old boy.

"Hi" He replied.

"Did you have the administrator call you back after all about the missing data?" She asked talking about work.

"Yeah, they said they'd get back to me next Tuesday," He responded trying to play cool but it didn't work. 

"Well I should go, good luck on those documents," She said before following me back into the elevator. Once the doors closed, we stayed in silence again.

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