Chapter 47:

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'You played'

Chapter 47:

(Dylan's POV)

I had been driving around for hours when I decided to go back to the house when I nearly ran over someone in the middle of the road. I came to a sudden stop, close to hitting the guy when he turned around cringing to the floor. I got out of the car to see if he was okay, did I hit him?  

"Dude are you alright?" I asked as he stood up. I recognised him straight away but struggled to remember his name. 

"Yeah i'm okay." He replied. 

"Sorry but have we met before?" I asked. He brushed the dirt from his knees, looking up at me, his facial expression changing. He looked like he had just seen a ghost.

"Um ... no ... maybe I don't know ... I should go ..." he said rushing trying to run away. 

"Wait!" I shouted calling after him. He turned around looking sheepish as if he knew he had been caught. He was a little odd in a way, but something inside of me told me that was because of something he knew.

"I really shouldn't be talking to you." He commented trying to whisk himself away again but I managed to pull him back with his elbow making him turn to face me. He took a deep breath knowing he was in trouble. I had so many questions as to who he was and how did he know everything? He even knew private things, had Ella told him?

"Why? Who are you?" I asked getting straight to it. For some strange reason, it was as if I recognised him before from somewhere. I know I've never seen him but it's as if I should.

"I can't say." He muttered shoving his hands in his pockets.

"Why?" I questioned not understanding him.

"Because it messes up the balance of time." He explained making no sense whatsoever. The balance of time? What is that suppose to mean?

"What?" I asked confused even more. He looked down working through his thoughts in his head before spitting his words out.

"It doesn't matter, I need to go." He rushed attempting to walk away but I ran in front of him, putting a hand on his chest to stop him which made him look a little more concerned. It was as if I know what he is trying to tell me but at the same time I have no clue either.

"No you need to tell me who you are and what you know." I stated needing an answer.

"Mo ... Ella's having a time out in the woods by the lake near your parents house." He stumbled out, his words sounding a little rushed. She was at her mom's? Why?

"And how do you know?" I asked

"I've been told." he answered bluntly keeping the rest of the reason hidden.

"So who are you?" I asked

"You don't want to know." he lied looking at any direction away from me to avoid my glare. He knew I would be able to tell that he was lying, so I decided to question him again.

"Who are you?" I demanded again a little more sternly wanting to get an answer without wasting any time. He resisted and you could see he wasn't even sure whether or not he wanted to tell me or not. He started to fidget, his body language telling me he knew he had no other choice but to fess up.

"I'm ... I'm your son ... from the future." He stuttered out. My ... What? My son? How is this possible? 

"I shouldn't have told you that, I should go." He said looking around to try and leave. 

"How old are you?" I asked making him stop in his tracks. 

"Nineteen." He replied not turning around. 

"What year do you come from?" I asked. A part of me didn't believe him, but then again that could be me not wanting to believe him.

"Two thousand and thirty five." He answered turning around to face me. 2035? That would mean that she would be pregnant right now, but she isn't. 

"You're lying." I said 

"Why would I lie?" He asked. 

"Okay then if it's true, tell me something only I would know." I stated. This way I would know whether or not he was telling the truth. 

"You used to tell me about the first time you met mom - I mean Ella, you told me it was best the day and the worst day of your life. It was the best because you knew you were going to love her but it was the worst because you knew you were going to hurt her." He said. I had never told anyone that, it was something I had felt since the day I met Ella, but to hear the words coming from his mouth, it ... it was true. I have a son. That's why she ran away today, she know's she's pregnant and she's running away.

"How ... how is this possible?" I asked taken back. 

"Well I was born immortal with the power of time travel." He answered. 

"Why are you back?" I asked having so many questions.. 

"Because it turns out you need me for me to be born. The irony." He said laughing a little to himself making me laugh. I could see the similarities to Ella, he had her eyes. 

"You should go, you need to talk to her." He commented. He was right, I still needed to go to Ella, I needed to talk to him.

"Does anyone else know you're back?" I questioned wondering how he can effect life now that I know he is from the future.

"No it's just you." He answered shuffling around. He looked a lot more comfortable now that he had told me who he really was, he looked more relaxed which was good, it made this weird interaction less awkward. 

"Do you need a lift anywhere or?" I asked not knowing what to do, feeling a little out of place, not knowing what the right things to say or do. Should I act like a parent with him? I don't even know the kid, but should I?

"No it's fine, I should be getting back to my time anyway." He said making me nod in response. I headed back towards my car when I realised I hadn't asked my biggest question.

"Wait! What's your name?" I called out looking over my open car door. I saw his body slowly transition into transparency, smiling as he responded, finding my shock to this information amusing. A typical teenager's reaction. 

"Eric." He said, his body slowly fading before my eyes. 

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