Chapter 48:

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'A wicked thing to say'

Chapter 48:

(Ella's POV)

"You met our son?" I asked not truly understanding what he was telling me. He looked hesitant when he spoke, like he didn't want to explain too much, but it was also as if he wanted to tell me all of what he was thinking, in other words he looked torn. 

"Yeah, actually so have you but it's a little more complicated." He said taking me aback. I've met our son? How? Do I know him well? Have I met him briefly? I had so many questions building up and I didn't know which question to ask first. It was odd that I knew I was going to be a parent nevertheless now thinking that I've met our child. 

"This is all so crazy." I commented not knowing what to say. What I was thinking was crazy, putting it into words was weirder. 

"I know but Ella ..." He responded lifting my chin up so he could kiss my lips at a better angle for him.

"We're having a baby." He stated before pressing his lips onto mine. I was grinning like a Cheshire cat, this was the reaction I really wanted from him, the one I was worried I wouldn't get from this news. I slipped my arms around his neck to deepen the kiss, emotionally relaxed with his reaction. 

"We're having a boy." I said as I let him go, resting my head on his chest. Wow this is a lot of information to take in. 

"We haven't even told people we're engaged never mind this." I carried on leaning my head on his chest trying to process all of it.

"What if we don't tell people?" He mentioned. I lifted my head to glance at him. Don't tell people?

"What do you mean?" I asked. How could we not tell people, it's not like they won't find out, especially when I grow bigger. 

"Well what if we use this as our chance to go? To leave this town officially. We both said we weren't going to stay here forever and we won't be able to stay here for too long because people will notice you're not ageing." He explained. He wants to leave. I know it's not like we haven't left before but it was different. We needed to get away and be together alone, but now the option of going away with a baby, taking him away from family, the idea doesn't sit right with me.

"But this town is our home." I spoke.

"It's not been our home for a while Ella." He said, placing his hand on my cheek.

"Love birds!" Lisa called out, opening the balcony doors abruptly, 

"We'll talk about this later." I muttered so she couldn't hear us as we turned our heads. 

"So how are the happy couple? Are you going to come in of the cold or are you two just going to stand out here and talk."  She carried on. 

"Yeah we're coming, just give us a second." Dylan called out making Lisa turn back inside from the balcony. He slipped our hands together, intertwining our fingers to hold each other better. We began walking into the house, making our way towards the main room where Lisa had ran up to us, hugging us tightly. 

"Whoa mom okay calm down." Dylan said making her let go of us. I could see Thomas standing next to Julia who looked as if she were sulking. 

"Congratulations! On both situations!" She stated referring to the pregnancy and marriage. 

"Thanks." I muttered feeling a little uncomfortable being the centre of attention. 

"Don't be silly. Not like Julia over there." She said. Her commented making Julia up and leave out the room. 

"Is she okay?" I asked Dylan.

"Yeah she'll be fine, it's kind of personal." He answered before kissing the top of my head. 

"I'm going to go and talk to her." I said. I rushed off following her before anyone, mostly Dylan could stop me. I knew that even though he said it was personal, she was going to be family in the end of the day and I wanted to make sure she was okay. I found her on the balcony of the top floor of the house, looking over the forest. 

"Go away Ella i'm not in the mood." She spoke, not moving an inch, not turning around. 

"I'm not going anywhere." I said joining her by standing next to her. I could her her huff from a mile away. 

"What do you want?" she asked, her tone a little aggressive. Jeez. I know I shouldn't take her attitude personally, ever since I met her she's been the same around me.

"I want to know why you're pissy." I retaliated. 

"I don't ... I don't want to talk about it." She stuttered. I could tell that she was trying to hide her feelings and not open up to me. 

"But it was obviously something Lisa said." I commented focusing on her instead of the view.

"I will understand if you don't want to tell me. You've never been open to me. And I get it, to be the bigger person there has to be barriers but if you ever need to tal-" I carried on wanting her to know I would be there for her. 

"-I can never have a child of my own." She stated taking me aback.

"One of the downsides  with working with my grandfather, there are a lot of enemies.  One of the enemies, I basically took something from him and he took something from me." She explained further. I suddenly felt really bad for Julia, something I never felt for her. She was just a girl with a job and now she's hurt because of it. I watched her explain it as she looked out to the wide green, I could see she was broken because of it.

"I'm sorry." I commented.

"It's not like you can change anything." She replied as if she were trying to put her guard back up. She shaked her head and quickly glanced and me to see my reaction.

"I'm sorry that we're making you think about it." I said as she turned her head away from me again. 

"It's no biggy, I made my choices a long time ago and I'm still dealing with the consequences." She spoke trying to push it to the sidelines. 

"No it is. But you know what? I want you ... No I know you can be the best aunt to this child. Treat him as if he is your own. He's going to need someone like you to go running to when he's in trouble with us and I know you will keep him in the straight and narrow." I said trying to encourage her to feel better. I caught a glimmer of a tear fall from her eyes and I tried to cheer her up. But I could see she wanted to be left alone when she turned her body away from me. I didn't want to push her too much.

"And I know you're in a crap situation, but please don't let that hold you back from yourself." I said before leaving the balcony feeling terrible for her. 

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