Chapter 32:

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'To let me dream of you'

Chapter 32:

(Ella's POV)

As Dylan went into the shower and i got changed into my black skinny jeans, my purple floral top, put my denim jacket on and pushed the sleeps up above my elbows and put some black high heeled ankle boots on. I put my locket on that my Nan gave me when i was a baby, it was a plain dusty off gold with the same colored chain which was long. I was given the key to open it but when i did, there was an engraved message in what looks like a foreign language.

'Mortuis somniatores' 

I quickly put my locket on, grabbed my Mac book and searched it up finding out that it was Latin for : 'The dead dreamer's'. I searched the translation and it came up with a supernatural being. It seems that everything is in Latin these days, I should really start taking lessons. I picked the laptop up and sat down at Dylan's desk, the laptop on my legs and my leg pushing on the side of the desk to keep the laptop stable. It was hot everywhere so i tried to stay in an area closer to the windows. I carried on the search and found a page of information.

'A Mythical family line that is one of it's kind. This family line has the traits of a witch but an only be activated when they die. The myth says once they die, seek into witches minds and give them intense power that kills them so they can overcome their body, therefore having their own power and then the witches. The dreamer's can do this to the dead and steal any magic to keep themselves from dying. They drink and drain the blood of a witch every full moon to keep from aging but also to stay alive. They are commonly mistaken for vampires to keep their Family line hidden.' 

I looked up and saw Dylan in a basic black top, black slim fit jeans and some black Adidas with white lasses which stood out. I smiled briefly as he walked across the room into another private room. I carried on reading and started thinking. Is this my family line? Am i meant to be a 'Dead dreamer'? I held onto my locket closing the laptop and putting it on the side. 

The room was starting to get overwhelmingly hot so I stood up and decided to go outside, I liked the fact that i felt so free outside, i was free to run and be myself. When i got outside, it was still hot outside as well but not as humid as in there. I didn't see Dylan coming out of a door from the side which made us both jump when we bumped into each other.

"Jesus Dylan you scared me" I said holding onto my locket. 

"What are you up to?" he asked. 

"Just getting some fresh air, it's like a freakin' swamp in there" I said as he grinned. 

"Yeah I'm trying to sort that now" he said walking back to the mysterious door. 

"Come in here, it's cooler" he said turning around to me in the doorway. I followed him in and felt the old air hit me like water. It was nice to feel on my skin and i could tell Dylan had the same reaction.

"So what were you up to upstairs?" He asked sorting some machine out. I jumped onto a metal thing and lent my head on my hand which my elbow was leaning on my leg. 

"Doing some research on my locket" I said. 

"Your locket?" he asked looking over at me. 

"Yeah" I said holding it to show him and he looked at it, looked half interested and then carried on working on the machine. I looked down at i myself and smiled at what i discovered

"It's got some Latin word in it and it translated to 'The dead dreamer'" I said which made him drop his tools and walk over to me. He stood in front of me and looked at the locket

"Dylan it's only a locket" I said as he held it over my chest. 

"Where did you get this?" he asked bluntly.

"My Nan, Why are you being weird about this?" I asked. He let go of the locket and looked deep into my eyes. I jumped down off the metal thing so i was directly in front of him also staring into his eyes. He looked worried and lost as if he didn't know how to react around me. I started laughing at his reaction because he must of heard of that myth from the internet as well.

"I'm guessing you heard about that silly myth" I said moving out of the way. He went over to where he was working and carried on

"That's your family?" he asked picking up his tools.

"No ... yes i don't know I've not heard about it before" I said as he started banging something. I opened the door and stood outside to feel the heat hit me. 

"Well all you can hope is that it's not true" He said after the banging stopped. I turned around and leaned on the door frame.

"Why?" i asked

"It's just a myth like you said, it's probably not true" he said finishing up what he was doing and walked in my direction. He looked impressed that he managed to fix whatever he was fixing so when he came over he was lightly smiling

"I'm surprised you even heard of them" I commented as we both walked out. He closed the door behind us and locked it as he answered

"Just something my mom told Julia a while back" he replied as we went through the front door.

"I'm gonna take it as what you heard was bad?" I asked as we walked into the living room. I could feel the difference in the room temperature already, whatever he was doing to that machine must have worked.

"pretty much" he said sitting himself down on the sofa. I started pacing up and down the room in between the living room and the kitchen thinking. As much as i wanted to find out more about these dead dreamer's and if they were my family line, My immortality was my main issue at the moment and i can only sort one problem at a time. After 10 minutes of walking up and down, I looked over at Dylan who was simply watching TV when he spoke up.

"We should actually be getting going" he said standing up abruptly and turned off the TV.

"Where are we going?" i asked running super speed in front of him.

"Whoa okay, I should get you a bell" he said walking past me to grab something from the side

"Very funny, but I can't leave" i referred by pointing to my eyes.

"Lucky we're only going to my parents to give them the car back" he said.

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