Another Day on the Job

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*Ambulance 61, Truck 81, Squad 3 apartment fire on 358 Michigan Ave.*

As soon as they heard the alarm they were already getting ready for what may lie ahead. Everybody in the firehouse has always embraced the danger in rescuing people, but sometimes don't have time to prepare for the possibility of things going wrong.

"Squad do a primary search of the second floor and third floor, truck search the first floor and get the hose ready!" Boden's voice boomed and was pointing in many different directions trying o lead his men.

"Got it chief!" Both lieutenants said in unison.
Squad entered the building first and was met by a giant cloud of smoke. It became harder for them to see but they managed by turning on the flashlight on their shoulder. Once they made it passed the first cloud of smoke they walked up the stairs.

"Capp, you and I will search the third floor, Mills and Tony stay here on the second floor." Severide told his fellow squad members.

"Copy." Said Mills.

As Severide and Capp walked up the stairs to the third floor Severide told Capp to go to the left and he would go to the right.

"Fire department call out!!" Severide said voice boomed but he figured his voice would not be heard. He started knocking down doors calling out for people. He reached the final room on his side and heard Capp through the radio.

"Severide I found a family, I'm taking them downstairs now."

"Copy, I'm on my last room and I'll be down."

Capp was able to take the family down safely

And handed them off to Brett and Dawson. Boden saw Capp and walked over to him.

"Where's Severide?"

"He said he had one final room to check and would be back down." Boden didn't like the feeling he was getting. Severide would of been out by now.

"Severide report.... Severide! Report!" Nothing. Silence.

All of a sudden an explosion was heard. Panic slowly crept up into the firefighters minds. They couldn't lose another.

A/N: Sorry that I haven't been able to update in awhile! I've been busy with work and writers block but I promise that new chapters will be coming out! I already have an idea for the next one! Oh and I also do not own any characters from Chicago Fire

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