The News

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     "Gabby! Have you heard anything yet?" Matt saw her across the waiting room and started to quicken hi s pace towards her. She stood up and crushed him in a hug. Once they parted he looked closely the her face. The once starry bright eyes were both darkened with fear and stained with tears.
     "The doctor came out and said it didn't look but they were going to do everything they could to help him. Matt, what are we going to do?! We can't lose another family member." At that instance all the pain she held back came out. She broke down into his arms and sank into the floor. Matt kept her in his arms and kept telling her it was going to be ok.
     From a distance Sylvie watched the interaction between Gabby and Matt. She had to admit they were cute together. As she thought about it more, the more she realized how much she really did like Kelly. He was the only one who really understood her. When they talked it's like they've known each since first grade. It's all she's ever wanted in a relationship before, but in the back her mind there was a pang a fear that she wouldn't get the chance.
     "Family of Kelly Severide?" The Doctor announced to the now standing firehouse members. Sylvie stepped towards the doctor who seemed to have a very solemn expression on his face.
     "He's ok right?! He's gotta be ok." She wanted to keep asking him questions but she just wanted answers.
The doctor took a deep breathe before continuing.
     "Let's just say he is lucky to be alive right now. The head injury wouldn't have been the thing that killed him."
     "But he'll survive right?" She was still worried and wanted to know more.
     "Yes he is and he has a long road ahead of him. But like I said he is lucky to be alive." Sylvie let out a breathe that she didn't know she had kept in for so long.
     "Can he have visitors?" She wanted to see him so badly.
     "Yes he can. He's not awake now but you may go see him." Sylvie looked towards the Gabby and Matt who gave her a nod to go see him.
    "Go. We can visit tomorrow." Gabby have her a smile and Matt gave her a nod of approval. Sylvie flashed them a smile before following the doctor down the endless hallway of hospital rooms.
Once they reached his room the doctor let her go inside as one of the nurses finished up taking notes on his vitals.
After she heard the door closed she looked at him. She didn't care what he looked like or what was wrong, she was just happy to see him alive.
      She reached for his hand and broke down. She missed having his hand in hers, she missed hanging out with him, she missed laughing with him, she missed his eyes. In general she just missed him. Now here they were. Unable to tell each their feelings but unable to deny them. She hated that feeling of not being able to tell him. Soon after she stopped crying she fell asleep right there with her hand in his, right where it belonged.
      Kelly during the night had woke up for a few minutes and felt a weight in his right hand. When he looked down he caught the sight of blonde swept over the woman's face. He knew who it was. So he intertwined their fingers and went back to sleep with a smile of his face. His Sylvie. She was there for him. She was the only person he really wanted to see. But he wondered if she felt the same....

A/N- I'm back again with the next chapter of this story! Woo!! I'm trying to figure out a updating schedule but I've failed miserably at it so I'm just going to just surprise you guys with chapters! Also I can not believe how many reads I have on this story!!! It's AMAZING considering I didn't think I would reach 20 reads! So thank you my lovely readers!!

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