Girl Talk

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*Day before Valentines Day*

     "Do you think he's going to pop the question soon?!" Gabby excitedly asked Brett as they walked down the aisle filled endless amounts of chocolate.

     "I'm not really sure. I mean we haven't really discussed the topic together yet and we have been dating for almost a year give or take a month." She picked up a box of chocolates that had a fireman of the front and said: "I'd save you." She smiled at the box in her hands and set in her cart.

     "Come on Brett you must've at least thought about! How he would do it, if he'd screw it up, where he would do it. Every girl does it once in awhile." Gabby stopped in front of Brett and looked into her eyes very seriously. "Do you think he is the one?"

At that Brett just stared at her for a moment processing what she just asked. Did she really think her and Kelly were meant to be? She knew both of them love each other. Also,
he was of the only men that she actually could she a real future with. He supported her when she needed it, gave her advice, was a shoulder to cry on when needed after a tough call, mostly importantly he was her best friend.

"Brett?.... Brett?.... Sylvie!" Gabby yelled at her taking her out her thoughts causing Brett to jump a little at the sound of her name. She looked at Gabby like a deer in the headlights.

"Sorry! I was lost in my thoughts." She nervously messed with her hands that we're currently resting on the handlebar of the cart in front of her. Gabby chuckled a little bit at that knowing Brett likes to zone out.

"You never answered my question by the way." She crossed her arms across the front of her waiting for her answer.

     Brett bit her lip debating whether or not to tell her. She knew she could trust Gabby since they both have had a lot of girl talks about guys.

"Yes. Honestly I can say yes I believe he could be the one. He is the most amazing man I have ever been with." She smiled while saying that thinking about everything her and Kelly have been through together.

"Good answer." Gabby said while gently hitting Sylvie's elbow. She knew that she was the only one that knew that Sylvie and Kelly were actually together. "Oh I've got another question for!" Sylvie groaned in response wanting to find more chocolate and gifts for her and Kelly.

"Ok fine one more then I actually would like to continue shopping." Sylvie looked in Gabby's eyes with seriousness.

"Have you and him....? You know....?" Gabby didn't want to say it out loud where other people were around but she wanted to know.

"Gabriella Dawson!! Can't believe that's what you want to know. For your information no we are waiting at my request." At the end of that Brett tried to stay serious with Gabby but both of them couldn't contain their laughter anymore. This is exactly what Sylvie loved about hanging out with Gabby. Gabby always managed to make her laugh without even trying.

     "Ok now we may continue our endeavor through the aisles of diabetes." Gabby said as she was still trying to contain her laughter. As they started walking there was something Sylvie wanted to say.

     "Hey Gabs?"

     "Yea?" She looked at Sylvie questioningly.

     "Thank you, for everything." She smiled at Gabby and wanted to get that off her chest.

     "Your welcome I guess? Why are you thanking me?" Gabby furrowed her brow and chuckled at Sylvie because the blonde seemed to always bring up the strangest things.

     "For being there for me and knowing just the right thing to say to me." Gabby was always there for and she wanted Gabby to know she was very thankful for her.

     "You know I'm always going to be here for you. You'll never ever get rid of me." She threw her arm around Sylvie's shoulder as they started walking down the aisle again.

     "I think that even if I tried to get away from you, you'd still come back for me." Sylvie chuckled at the thought of being chased by Dawson.

     "Hey us Dawson's never give up so easily. But I do expect to be your maid of honor at the wedding." Gabby said pointing at Brett.

     "Ok Dawson hold your horses. I'm not even engaged yet and you're trying to plan my wedding already!" She was starting to throw more boxes of chocolates into her cart and even a few little stuffed bears. Maybe she could get some things for the crew.

      "Come on Brett you know it's going to happen soon! I want it to happen soon!" Gabby was on the other side of the aisle looking at the cheesy Valentine's Day cards.

     "Gabby, I promise you that once it happens you'll be he first person to know." Gabby turned around at looked Sylvie with a soft look.

     "Pinky swear?" Gabby looked at her with her bottom lip stuck out like a little child.

     Sylvie chuckled and wrapped her pinky around Gabby's. "Pinky swear." Afterwards Gabby pulled Sylvie into a hug. Sylvie pulled away from the hug realizing she had to stop somewhere else before heading home.
     "Ok as much as I loved this girl talk today I have to stop somewhere before heading home."

     As they started walking to the checkout lanes Sylvie saw the jewelry section as they went and quickly took a small glance over there making sure Gabby wasn't watching and saw a beautiful ring. Maybe her and Kelly could make a life together. Little did she know that Gabby saw her taking that glance and might have to report back to someone else later....

Note: So.... Wow.... Almost 3 months since I last updated.... I am terribly sorry I have had terrible writers block, exams were going on last month, and I was out the country on a missions trip without my phone so I apologize. Plus since Valentine's Day is coming up I thought a little girl talk would be nice between Sylvie and Dawson. I promise I will try to do better on updating so stay with me! Of course I love it though when you comment and vote for my story.

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