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Once they got back to the firehouse everyone jumped out of their trucks and headed straight for the kitchen. It had been a long day for them all.
"Hey who's cooking today?" Mouch said as he plopped down on his couch. He turned on the baseball game and put his feet on the table.
"I'll do it!" Sylvie said as she walked into the room. Everyone looked at her questioningly.
"Are you sure Brett? We can just order something and say we made it." Cruz told her.
"No really it's ok! I'll make some spaghetti for everyone." She smiled and was already starting to boil the water for the noodles.
"Ok I'm not going to say no to food." Cruz put his arms up in surrender. He was kinda of happen she said yes to making food because he really didn't feel like talking to someone on the phone, let alone get the phone. Suddenly, Severide walked in and saw Brett by the stove.
"Hey Brett! Do you need help with anything in the kitchen?" He said and went to stand next to her. Her hand was resting on the cutting board so he took advantage of the opportunity and gently set his hand on hers. He heard her gently gasp at his touch which made his smile grow even bigger.
     "Thanks lieutenant for the offer but are you sure a big man like yourself wants to help me in the kitchen?" She teased him and she could tell he liked it because he joined in.
      "We'll just because I'm a big firefighter doesn't mean I can't offer a helping hand to young woman such as yourself." He then jokingly bowed to her offering his hand. And took a quick glance up at her to see she was blushing so she finally took his hand.
     "Hey whenever you two are done with your little flirting session can you please continue cooking. You have a hungry firehouse here waiting." Mouch yelled from his couch but never took his eyes off the tv screen.
     "Sorry Mouch!" They both said in unison. Both of them tried to stifle a laugh since they just got caught flirting together.
     "Since you are so persistent, you can put the noodles in the pot and watch hem carefully." She put emphasis on the carefully part because she knew how quickly he gets distracted. Especially around her.
     "Yes ma'am!" Her saluted her and quickly went to the pot of boiling water on the stove. He smiled to himself proudly.
         ~Away from the kitchen flirting~
     Mouch took this opportunity on silence to quickly slip out of the room to find Cruz and Otis to tell them of his findings. He walked around the firehouse to search for them by instead he ran into Gabby, literally.
     "Ouch! Mouch watch where you're going!" She said angrily.
     "Sorry Gabs! Have you seen either Otis or Cruz lately by chance?" He questioned her.
     "No why?" She saw he was very jumpy.
     "No reason... Just wanted to see how my friends were doing today." He smiled awkwardly at her hoping she wouldn't question him more. He was wrong. She pulled his arm and dragged him around the corner of the wall.
     "What the hell is going on Mouch?!" She crossed her arms and glared at him. He sighed in defeat.
     "I think Brett and Severide like each other." He said. Once he said that Gabby's face paled considering she already knew so she acted dumb to Mouch.
     "What do you mean by that?" She suddenly got really fidgety but continued to glare at him to hopefully give away nothing.
     "Well I was minding my own business when all of a sudden I hear spaghetti heads behind me flirting up a storm about having Severide help Brett make lunch." He then whispered to her. "I think they are dating."
     At that point Gabby couldn't stifle her laughter and laughed at Mouch. She wanted him to think it was the most ridiculous thing ever to throw him off their tracks.
     "You just made my day with that! Sylvie and Severide?! Never!" She patted his shoulder and  continued laughing as she walked away to go into the kitchen to check up on the two lovebirds.
     After Gabby left Mouch was left alone to ponder his thoughts. He was so confused after that point he didn't know what to think.
     "I thought it was a good idea." He shrugged and decided to walk back to his couch and finish watching the game. Before he sat down he stood and watched the two carefully and studied them. He saw them make eye contact a couple of times but though against it. Then he saw Sylvie turn around to put something else on the stove and Severide turned around also and they bumped into each other. After awhile Mouch gave up and say back down.
     "Sorry lieutenant!" Brett apologized and gave him a smirk.
     "After you m'lady." He let her put the pot of sauce on the stove and she smiled lightly at him.
     "Ok I think we are done for now!" Gleefully she threw a towel over her shoulder and leaned against the counter facing Severide.
     "Good work partner." Severide gave her a high five which led to him intertwining their fingers together. He pulled her close and carefully watched out for other people. He knew Mouch was there but didn't think much of it. He gave Sylvie a hug and whispered in her ear.
     "My office in a few?" He smiled as he said it. She bit her lip in thought.
     "Wouldn't that seem suspicious lieutenant?" She teased him as she looked at him seductively.
     "Do you think I care?" He smiled. She thought for a few moments. She quickly took advantage of the moment and quickly pecked his lips.
     "5 minutes. Don't be late." She then went back to the food behind them. Severide smiled proudly to himself and went to get the plates and silverware.
     As Mouch was on the couch he smiled slightly and shook his head.
     "Kids these days." He lightly chuckled at the thought and continued watching the game.

A/N- Man it's been too long! School has definitely been kicking my butt so I apologize million times for not updating in sooooo long!! I promise there are going to be plenty more updates so don't give up on me just yet! Also feel free to leave comments on the story because I LOVE hearing from everyone! Thanks again!!

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