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As she was on the phone her hand started shaking.

She stayed in the car not wanting to draw any attention to herself from others in the firehouse. Especially from Kelly. 

"It's Dr. Halstead calling about your sister", his voice seemed to waver as he said that. Brett knew she had to brace for the worst that was about to come.

"Will, please do not say those words. She has two children and I cannot put them through this". After saying that she covered her mouth with her other hand to keep in the muffled cry she had coming. She looked out towards the city of Chicago and watched the cars go by to help her keep from breaking down while on the phone.

"Sylvie, I am so sorry. We did everything we could. It seems that she had an unexpected brain bleed that we just could not stop in time. By the time we had found it, she lost too much blood and was already gone". He sounded defeated. Sylvie was a good friend of his and did not want to deliver this piece of news to her. It's never easy to deliver this news to family, but this one seemed worse. 

He heard sniffle come from the other side of the line, and then nothing else. "Brett? Are you still there?"

"Um, yeah I'm here Will. Thank you for calling me. I will go talk to Boden right now to see if I can head to the hospital quickly and get some things figured out while there". 

"Sounds good. If I'm not available Maggie or April should be here to help. Once again, I am so sorry Brett". 

"Thanks Will, I am too". She then heard the click come from the other side of the line. Now it was just her.

Just her and her thoughts were left in the car. Too many thoughts were flying through her mind as she didn't even know what to do. Especially when it came to the children. "Oh God, the children", she thought. At that thought she broke down. The children lost their mother, and she lost her sister. The tears would not stop flowing as she laid her head against the top of the steering wheel. She let all of her tears and cries of agony come out. 

She was gone. Now what?

Sylvie scrounged for anything to blow her nose and wipe her eyes. She eventually found an old McDonald's napkin but it wasn't able to do the job. Looking into her car mirror, she saw a face streaked with red. Her makeup was almost nonexistent now as well as her thoughts.

She made a plan to run in the firehouse to the bathroom, avoid everyone at all costs on the way, and clean up before talking to Boden.

Locking her car door, she started her walk up to the firehouse. Unfortunately, on the way Gabby noticed her. 

"Hey Brett!" She called from inside the firehouse garage next to Ambo 61. "Whoa, are you okay?". 

"Yeah, I'm fine, I just need to go to the bathroom". Sylvie tried to leave the conversation, but Gabby wasn't having it.

"Talk to me. Are you sure you're okay? You can talk to me. Or I can go get Kelly". Gabby didn't break eye contact with Brett the whole time. At her question, Sylvie opened her mouth to speak, but all that came out was a small cry. She broke down in Gabby's arms.

"Amelia is gone. She died early this morning unexpectedly". Gabby held her friend, slowly stroking her back not knowing what to do.

"Brett I am so so sorry. I can't imagine what you are going through right now." They stayed this way for another 5 minutes in silence. Hoping that no emergency call was about to come through.  "Here let's get you to the bathroom to clean up before someone wants to ask, I can go find Kelly, and then you can go talk to Boden". 

Slowly Brett looked up at Gabby, and shook her head in agreement with her plan. Both women stood up and walked to the bathroom. They took the quickest route in order to avoid the most people on their way there. 

Once in the bathroom, Gabby helped clean Brett as it seemed her crying drained her energy. 

After getting her cleaned up and looking more presentable, Gabby went to find Kelly. He was sitting in the at the big food table with some of the crew. Luckily he was the only one that made eye contact with her and she gestured with her head towards his office. He got up slowly to not make it seem very noticeable.

"What's up Gabby?" He questioned as they were both heading to his office where he saw Brett sitting on his bed.

"You should talk to her. She really needs you". She flashed a small smile to Brett before turning around to place a hand on Kelly's shoulder, then leaving to head back out to the Ambo.

Severide walked into the office, shut the door quickly but quietly, as well as shut the blinds. After doing so, he crouched in front of Sylvie so he could look up at her.

"Hey, what's up?", he held onto her hands while looking into her eyes.

Slowly she moved her gaze onto his.

"Will Halstead called me right before I walked into the firehouse", as she said that, Kelly felt his heart drop and his throat dry up. He seemed to already know where this was going. "Kelly, she's gone", once again she broke once she said that word "gone". Who knew that a four letter word could have such a big impact on someone.

Kelly instinctively moved onto the bed next to her and rested his head on top of hers. She nuzzled her head into his chest, sobbing about today's news. 

He was speechless. He didn't know what to do. He rescued people for a living and sometimes he didn't always reach everyone. This situation was something very different for him. 

"We are going to figure this out. I promise". We whispered to her as her sobs seemed to quiet down a little. "I promise".

A/N: HELLO!! I am alive I promise! With this whole quarantine period going on where I live, I seem to have a little more free time and said why not! I have the time to try and continue this story! So... I hope you enjoy and hopefully I can get the next part out for ya'll soon!! LOVE YOU ALL and STAY SAFE!!! 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2020 ⏰

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