Chapter 19: House Hunting~

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Austin and I have had an unbelievably amazing experience on this vacation, but now we have to go home. I turn over in the bed to face Austin.
"I don't want to leave." I tell him.
"Me either, but we have no choice."
We both slowly make our way to getting ready. After about an hour an a half we are both fully ready. We pack all of our stuff then head to the airport. We didn't have to get up too early for our flight so I'm not that tired.
"I'm hungry." I tell Austin.
"Okay, want to stop by Starbucks?"
I nod. So we go to Starbucks and I get my usual skinny soy iced vanilla latte and then get a toasted bagel and cream cheese. Since we have about an hour before we have to board the plane, we take our time eating.
"So are you guys looking for a house this week?" He asks.
"That's what Dad told me. I think we're even starting tomorrow." I say.
After eating we head to our gate and before long board the plane.
"Torture is going out on SoundCloud tomorrow." Austin tells me.
"Yay! I think the Mahomies are going to love that song." I tell him.
He nods.
"You know what?" He says.
"What?" I ask.
"I really think you should put a single out." He tells me.
"Me?" I ask.
"No Hillary Clinton!" He says sarcastically.
"Hillary Clinton?"
"Its the first name that popped into my head."
"You're stalling." He says.
"Well I mean, I'm not even signed to a record label."
"I'm sure my record label wouldn't mind signing you." He says.
"But what if no one ends up liking it?"
"Oh please! You're an amazing singer and everyone who has heard you knows that. Why are you hesitating?" He says.
"I just don't know if I'm ready for that much fame. I'm perfectly fine being famous for being Austin Mahone's girlfriend. Plus me starting my own music means us spending less time with each other because we'll have to do our own things." I tell him.
"You don't want to release just one single even a tiny bit?"
"If I just released one single then I'd be a 'one hit wonder', if anybody would even like the song, and nobody likes 'one hit wonders'."
"Okay, it was just a thought." He tells me.
"Thank you, but I'm perfectly happy with just being known as Austin Mahone's girlfriend."
Soon we get back to Austin's house everyone greets us.
"Did you guys have a good time?" Mama asks.
"We had an amazing time." I say.
"Was it beautiful there?" Heather asks.
"What all did you two do?" Dad asks.
"A lot." Austin says.
"Why don't we talk about it over dinner, which is going to get cold if we don't head towards the kitchen now." Mama says.
We all head to the kitchen and get food. After we are all seated at the table Austin and I tell them all about our trip.
"Well sounds like you guys just had the best time." Alex says, acting like he's excited for us when really he's jealous.
"Well if you were half as good as a boyfriend as Austin, you would plan a vacation with Paige." I tell him.
"Are you saying I'm not a good boyfriend to Paige?"
"Did I not make that clear already?"
"Oooo." Zach and Robert say.
"Not all of us have millions of dollars like Austin does, so we can't all afford expensive vacations out of the state."
"But if you were a good boyfriend you would find a way to make it work."
"Okay you two that's enough." Mama says.
"Sadie, that was very disrespectful, now tell Alex you're sorry." Dad says.
"We're not five Dad, Alex can handle a few rude comments from me."
"Sadie." Dad says firmly.
I cross my arms and sigh.
"Sorry Alex." I say.
"For what?" Alex asks, crossing his arms.
I sigh again.
"Saying your a horrible boyfriend to Paige."
"And you're not a terrible boyfriend, there happy?"
"Yes, thank you." He says, then continues to eat.
Austin starts smacking, bad habit of his that I despise. I slap his arm.
"Hey!" He says.
"Quit smacking! It's disgusting and you know how much I hate it."
"Sorry, it's a bad habit."
"Maybe I should start slapping your face every time you do it, that'll teach you."
"Do it, I dare you." He says.
I roll my eyes at him then go back to eating. The boys get done eating first and all go upstairs to play video games. I stay at the table with Mama, Dad and Heather.
"So you guys are going to look for a house tomorrow?" Mama asks.
"Yes we are." Dad says.
"Are you going to try to find a place close to here?"
"Oh yeah, Sadie won't let us live anywhere thats more than five minutes away."
I smile.
"I have to be able to walk over here."
"But you have you're own car."
"No I know, I'm just saying that our house has to be with walking distance of theirs."
After a bit, I get bored sitting with the grown ups and decide to go upstairs to my room. I walk past the boys who are all yelling at their video game. Idiots.
"Where you going Sade?" Austin asks.
"My room."
"You don't want to stay in here with us?"
I go to my room and close the door. I take my contacts out and put my glasses on then get in bed and read a book. Iv'e been reading for about thirty minutes when someone snatches it from me.
"Hey!" I say to Austin.
"You chose reading a book over being with me?!" He says.
"I didn't want to be out there with all ya'll yelling at the stupid video game, now give me my book back." I say, trying to snatch it back but Austin pulls it away more.
"But I want you out there with us."
"And I want to read my book." I say grabbing for it, and actually succeeding in getting it this time.
"You're no fun." He says.
"I know I'm a boring and I don't like video games, I honestly don't know what you see in me." I tell him.
He smiles.
"Let's see you're funny, kind-hearted, devoted, smart, caring, cute, gorgeous...should I keep going?" He asks, sitting down next to me.
"Oh you mean theres more?"
"Tons and tons and tons more." He says.
"Let's hear it then." I say.
He chuckles then looks me straight in the eyes.
"I love you." He says.
"Well I already new that."
He smiles again then kisses me sweetly.

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