Chapter 28: Getting A Puppy~

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I knock on Austin's bedroom door. After a bit he opens the door with just basketball shorts on, no shirt, and messy hair from sleeping. He looks at me, very confused.
"Am I in a dream or are you actually up early?" He asks.
"It's eight."
"Yeah exactly, usually early for you is ten."
"Well I want to go to the gym, want to come with me?"
"Why not."
"Because the last time we went to the gym together you passed out."
"I was sick and didn't know it."
"How do you know you're not sick now?" He asks.
I give him a look.
"Okay fine, let me get dressed. I'll meet you downstairs." He says, then closes the door.
Then the door opens back up and he comes out and kisses my cheek.
"And good morning." He says, then shuts the door again.
I go downstairs and wait for him. After a bit he comes down and we get in my car and head to the gym.
"Take it easy okay? Don't do anything you don't think you can handle." Austin tells me.
"Austin, thank you for caring but I'll be fine." I say.
He looks at me.
"I'll be fine." I say again.
"Okay okay."
So we both start working out.
"I'm going on the treadmill." I tell Austin.
"I'm coming with you." He says.
"You don't need to keep an eye on me." I say, turing to him.
"Maybe I just want to go on the treadmill." He tells me.
I turn back around and go to the treadmill. After Austin and I feel like we've had enough we go back to his house. I take a shower and borrow some of Austin's sweats to wear. Austin comes in and smiles when he sees me.
"What?" I ask.
"You look adorable in my clothes." He says.
"They're just sweats." I say.
"Still," he says, stepping closer.
"You look adorable in them." He says.
"Thanks...I guess."
"I still can't believe you woke up early today."
"Yeah well for once when I woke up I couldn't go back to sleep." I say.
"Weird." He says.
"But now I want to sleep." I say.
"Than take a nap."
"Can you lay down with me?" I ask.
"Yeah sure."
We go to Austin's bed and he turns the tv on. I snuggle into him and close my eyes. He starts running his fingers through my hair and I soon fall asleep.

Austin and I are hanging out at the beach.
"I really love the beach." I say.
"I've noticed." Austin says.
"Hey now! No need to get rude." I say.
"I'm never rude to you."
"Oh please."
"Okay name a time when I've been rude to you, like actually rude."
I try to think of a time but, he's right, there has never been a time that he has been rude to me. He teases me a lot but he's never rude, like I am to him sometimes.
"You can't think of a time can you?" He says.
"No, I can't. But I'm sure you can think of many times that I've been rude to you." I say.
"You're not rude." He says.
"You're lying, I know that I need to work on the way I treat you. I'm sorry for all the times I haven't been the best person to you."
"Sade, you're fine. You don't need to apologize."
"Yes I do. I don't treat you well."
"Would you stop! You're an amazing girlfriend."
Before I can talk any further Austin leans in and kisses me.
"I'm serious Sade, stop."
I nod.
He leans in to kiss me again but I get distracted before our lips can meet.
"Oh my gosh. Look at that puppy! It's so cute! Aww! I want a puppy!" I say.
Austin chuckles.
"I'll get you a puppy, if you really want one." Austin says.
"I'm sorry what? We had a deal remember? No more buying me nice things." I say.
"Okay...what if we split the cost?"
I think about it.
"Or you can pay for a third of the cost." I say.
"Okay deal."
I clap.
"So when can we get it?"
"How about now."
"Eeeep!" I say, jumping up.
So we make our way to the local pet store. Once we get there we start looking around. Theres a pin of puppies that are so cute. An employee tells us they are malshi puppies. Austin and I go in the pin. One of the puppies comes running to us.
"Awwww Austin I want this one." I say, petting her.
"Okay." He says.
I pick her up and we pay for her and some other stuff that we need for her then leave.
"You are so cute." I tell the puppy.
"Thank you." Austin says.
"I was talking to the dog." I say.
"But I'm still cute right?"
I laugh a bit.
"Yeah totally." I say.
He smiles.
"So what are you going to name her?"
"I think I'm going to name her...Piper." I say.
"That's cute." Austin says.
"I'm so excited."
"Now you know having a dog is a big responsibility. You have to makes sure it gets food and water and learns to go to the bathroom..." Austin starts.
"You sound like my Dad."
"Did you're dad tell you that?"
"No, it's something he would say though."
"Speaking of your dad, did you even ask him about getting a puppy?"
"Of course? What, you think I'm just going to buy a puppy without his permission?" I ask.
"No! Not at all, I just-"
"I know. I know. You don't want me to get in trouble. One, thank you for caring but two, I could handle it myself."
"I never said you couldn't." He says.
So we get back to Austin's house and I show everyone Piper.
"Oh Sadie, she's so cute!" Mama says.
"I know! When we went into the pin she came right up to us and that's how I knew she was the one I wanted." I tell her.
"Awww. And you said her name was Piper?" She asks.
"Yes ma'am." I say.
After everyone finishes saying hi to Piper, Austin takes me back to my house.
"I have to get home to work on some songs for the album so I can't stay." Austin tells me.
"Okay, I'll come over later." I tell him.
"Sounds good." He says.
I start to get out of the car.
"Hey." Austin says.
I turn back to him.
"I love you."
I smile.
"I love you too." I say, then lean in and kiss him.
I go inside and introduce Piper to Dad and Heather.
"She is adorable!" Heather says.
"I know!" I say.
"Now you know having a dog comes with-"
"A lot of responsibility I know, Austin already told me." I say.
"He did?"
"Yeah, I think it was in more of a teasing way but still."
"Okay. You know she can't go anywhere untill she has her shots right?"
"What about Austin's?"
"That's fine, but only our house and Austin's house nowhere else."
I nod then go upstairs and set up all of the stuff that I got for Piper including, a bed, leash, food and water bowl, food, and so on up in my room and bathroom. After getting her settled in I take her and we both go to Austin's house. I hear Austin in his studio room making some music. I quietly go in the door, which his back is faced to, and close the door and set Piper down. He's not singing right now, just listening to the music he has started putting together. I wrap my arms around his neck.
"Sounds great." I tell him.
"Thank you." He says.
I remove my arms from his neck and he turns around and pulls me to sit on his lap.
"I see you brought Piper."
"Are you kidding? I wouldn't leave her at home without me there." I say.
He smiles.
"I have a feeling she's going to replace me." He says.
I get my face closer to his.
"I have a feeling you're right." I say.
His mouth drops opens. I smile.
"Kidding. No one could replace you, not even Piper, the cutest puppy in the world." I say.
He smiles and leans in and kisses me.
"And the same goes for you." He tells me.
"Thanks, but you don't have a cute puppy like Piper so theres really no need for me to be worried." I say.
"Mmm, I guess that's true."
"So, how is everything coming along?"
"I really want the fans to fall in love with this album so I'm going to be working really hard to make it perfect." He says.
"Okay, just don't wear yourself out okay?" I say.
He nods.
So for the rest of the night Austin works on his music and I play with Piper.

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