Chapter 5

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A/N: Sorry my loves for not updating sooner. All of this Louis stuff on Twitter has had my mind in shambles. Couldn't bring myself to write. Too emotional. Louis is my love and to think of all the crap he is having to deal with right now sickens me. All the boys for that matter. I don't know if he really got that chic pregnant but i can guarantee he did not rape anyone! And Preston didn't do anything of the sort either. If they had, why are the girls just now coming forward? I don't know what to think at this moment, but I do know that I love Louis and so does Harry! Anyways, I just feel that since we don't know the truth till Louis comes out with it, we should just go on with life and let Louis go on with his! Enough of my rant! I will do my best to make this chapter a good one.


It's monday night, Boxing night. Harry's fight to be exact. The club is packed full. More full than I have ever seen it. Only three of us to tend bar and two waitresses to do tables. Yeah, tonight is one big mess. We have all the tellies going as everyone is watching the match. Drink orders coming from all directions. We are literally backed up with orders. In the midst of this i hear a someone trying to push their way through the crowd telling everyone 'excuse me' and to 'please move. I continue making drinks but staying on guard cause it hasn't hit me yet who this person is. Till i heard that familiar voice

"What's a mate have to do to get a drink around here?". I look up and smile big

"Zayn my man! Long time no see, brotha!", I say as i give him a hug across the bar counter.

"Not much mate! Finally got my studying done and now working at the art studio across town", He says as i continue making drinks

"If you jump over here and help out for a bit, you can have free drinks till close", I tell him as i stop for a bit to talk to him

"Sure thing mate!", He said as he literally climbed over the counter to help make drinks. I have to admit it was nice having him back here. He worked here with Niall and I when we first opened up, but his schooling and such took him away for a bit.After that, the night went rather well. The bar was noisy from cheers and yells when Harrys match came on. I couldn't help but watch what I could. I wont tell him that, though. He doesn't need to know that his punk self has made his way into my head. After a bit the bar lit up with cheers and whistle and 'oh shits' as Harry fought and I guess at the last minute..won! After about an hour, the bar was still buzzing with more drunks and loud music. As Niall was handing a drink to a customer two girls came up to the bar, scooted the drinks away from it and got on it and continued to dirty dance on the counter top. A few whistles were heard, but more asking what the hell they thought they were doing. Niall grabbed one girl and Zayn grabbed the other and got them down off the bar. My other bartender, who's name is Josh helped with one as she was giving more problems.

"This is a strip club so let us dance!", One of them shouted out as she squirmed from Nialls grip

"Ummm..not it's not!", Josh exclaimed. "You want that garbage go down the street a bit!", He said as he went back to tending bar. Paddy coming over to escort them out

Pretty soon I hear "I'm Harry Styles and I want a drink!"..I just shake my head as Niall looks over at me and smiles. The little twit still going on about me liking the arrogant asshole. As they made they, meaning him and Liam,made their way to the bar, I noticed Niall smiling big. Yeah, they're dating now and it's clearly written all over his face. Niall leans over the counter to give Liam a sweet kiss before taking his order. They get lost in conversation while Niall serves him. Zayn and Josh grabbing the other customers for us. When I look up to see Harry, my eyes go big and my mouth open wide in shock and...sympathy? He must have noticed the look on my face as he looked at me

"You think this is bad", He said pointing to his swollen eye, busted lip, and bruised cheek, "You should see the other guy", He said wincing as he tried to smile. My poor Harry. Wait! What? did i just say MY? I meant Harry. Just Harry.

"Let me get you an ice pack, mate", I told him as I headed to the back of the club. I can't believe he got beat up that bad. I actually feel sorry for him. He still drives me batty but seeing him like this helps me see him in a whole different way. I grab a few icepacks from our freezer and head back up front.

"Hear you go, Harry", I say as I hand them to him.

"Thanks mate, but I'm Harry Styles, i don't need those!", He says as he pushes them back towards me

"Again, I don't care! You need these and you will use them!", I say as I put them back in his hand. That got niall and Liams attention and Liam looks over to see what was going on. He nudged Harrys arm and winked at him as if saying "You better do what the man says". Finally Harry took the icepackes and put one by his eye and one by his cheek. While those are on his face he still tries to converse with me

"About that date-" ,Harry started off. I interrupted by telling him that we could schedule it for another night as he probably wont be up to it tomorrow night. Are ya shittin' me right now?!", Harry exclaims back. "I fought hard to win tonight! I got bruised up but I still won! We are going on that date tomorrow night!", He said as he winced a bit

"Whatever you say, Mr.Styles", I say smirking.

A/N: Sorry if it was a bit boring and off. I hope you did enjoy it though. Please comment and vote. Tell me what you think or what you may want to see in the story. Please check out my other stories..Through The Dark..Whispers In The Ear..Over Again..Thank you. Lots of love xx

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