Chapter 32

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All the way back to mine and Nialls place, Harry thought it would be cute and funny to tease me since I was driving and couldn't do anything about it. Well, paybacks are a bitch is all I have to say. We just got home a few minutes ago and Harry thought we were going to go right to the bedroom. "please Louis. I kind of teased myself while teasing you", my poor boyfriend whined out all through the house. But I let him know that we were putting the tree and lights up in the window first, then I would think about 'playing'. Harry sighs as he walks into the living room like a child being told no candy till after supper. I walk  over to the stereo and put on a Christmas CD. Celtic Women(If you guys haven't heard them, look them up on youtube.They are absolutely amazing). My sisters sent me it a couple years ago and I have listened to them every since. 'Oh, Holy Night' starts playing as I walk over to where the tree is and Harry is already putting up decorations. I wrap my arms around his waiste and give him a soft kiss on his shoulder. He turns around and has a smile on his face. You know the one that shows his dimples and can melt the heart of a hard hearted criminal. Yeah, you know the one. We gave each other a soft kiss and then I went and grabbed some ornaments and started helping him decorate the tree. Christmas is my favorite Holiday/season of the year. A time to look back and see just how blessed you have been over the year. We go into a comfortable silence as we listen to the soft music flowing through the room. When I hear his beautiful voice softly singing to the music which is now 'The first Noel'. His voice could completely stop busy traffic on a highway. I stood there in awe as he sang with his whole heart. I guess I didn't realize I was staring till he clicked his fingers in front of my face. I shook myself out of my thoughts.

"What were you thinking about, Love?", Harry asked as he wrapped his arms around my waist bringing me closer to him.

"You and your beautiful voice. Wondering what I did to deserve a beautiful person like you", I tell him with a smile on my face.

"I believe I'm the lucky one", He says as he softly kisses me. We pull away before it gets too heated. Still have things to do. And my teasing techniques have yet to be used. I noticed a box on the floor that we hadn't opened yet. Yaay! More decorations! Me, being who I am, moved the box just a little in front of Harry. I bend over in front of him so I can open the box. And well, if I decided to shake my bum at him is my business. But, me forgetting that he is sneaky as well, stood up squealing when I felt him come up behind me and start grinding on my behind. 

"Na uh uh", I say to him as I turn around. "None of that Mr. Styles", I say with a smirk on my face. We continue decorating as the music continues playing softly in the back ground. 'Silent Night' started playing and I see Harry stop dead in his tracks. His arms go slack and his head hung low. I then see his shoulders start to shake like he was crying. I go over to him and as i lift his face up to look at him, i see that I was correct. I reach up and start wiping the tears off his face with the pad of my thumb.

"Harry, love, what's wrong?", I ask him as I gently cup my hands around his face.

"My m-mum use t-to sing me th-this song when my sister and I were kids. We would decorate the tree. Have hot cocoa and cookies and candy out for snacks while we put ornaments on the tree. Lou, I haven't been the best son for the past 4 years or so. My heart grew so cold and all that I focused on was being the best at what I do. In the process of it, I have shut my family out. My mum. The woman that gave birth to me and sacrificed her wants/needs for mine and my sisters. And this, this right here is how I have treated her. Not going home for holidays and not calling like I should", He continued to cry on my shoulder. Hell, I started crying with him. I let him cry for a bit and then I lifted his face up and told him to call her. He wiped his eyes and agreed that he would when we got done. Due to time difference. I then remember that I have a special gift for him that I want him to open with just us. I run upstairs to get it, leaving a very confused Harry standing in the living room. I go into the room and grab the little box quickly and run back down the stairs, about sliding when my sock covered feet hit the wooden floor. Grabbing the rail along the wall to keep me from busting my bum. I glance over and see Harry trying not to laugh at me. Well, at least I got him to smile even if it was at my own cost. I go over to him and grab his hand and turn it to where it's palm up and place the little box in his hand.

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