Chapter 39 Part One

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I wake up and stretch my limbs. Well, the best I could as there was a sleeping body laying over me. I kiss the top of Harrys head an slide out from underneath him gently so I don't wake him. I look at the clock as I get up and see that it is 6 a.m. Why does my bladder always have to wake me up so early in the damn morning. As I climbed out of bed, I felt a cold draft. I then realized I was still naked from last night. oops. No way can I leave the room like that. I fumbled around in the drawers and found a pair of flannel pj bottoms and a t-shirt to throw on. I quickly made my way to the bathroom to do my business. After that I make my way downstairs. As I make my way closer I hear christmas music playing softly and two voices coming from the kitchen. I make my way in there seeing Anne and Gemma at the table sipping on coffee and eating toast.

"Good morning, ladies", I said softly as I walked further into the kitchen

"Good morning, Louis", Anne said. "Did you sleep well, luv?"

"I did, thanks. How about you?", I ask as I make me a cup of hot yorkshire tea.

"Slept well, luv", Anne answered as she took a sip of coffee. I then hear a smirk come from Gemma. I then glance at her and see a sly smile on her face

"What you smiling about over there?", i ask her, partly knowing the answer.

"Well, after what my brother did to you last night, I hope you selpt real well", She responded causing me and her both to laugh a bit and Anne to chuckle.

"I was thinking that too, but I wasn't going to say anything", Anne said with a chuckle.

"Damn! was Harry that loud?", I ask laughing. Knowing full well that it probably wasn't Harry they heard. What can I say? Harry knows what he's doing when it comes to the bedroom.

"Sorry, luv. But I do believe it was you we heard", Anne said playfully.

"Ohh Harry! Right there baby!!", Gemma said dramatically.

"Oh My God!", I said as I hid my now-beet-red-face in my hands. Anne and Gemma were now in full on laughter due to my condition. Beyond embarrassed.

"Soo..What smells so good in here?", I say as I try to swiftly change the subject.

"Christmas dinner. Got the turkey on and the Ham in the slow cooker", Anne says her face then becoming a little serious. I hear Silent Night come on the radio and then I realize what her change of mood was. This was the song Harry said would always play in the mornings when he would get up.

"Louis, can I ask you a serious question?', Anne said as she looked at me. The look of compassion in her eyes.

"Sure. Ask away", I tell her as I set my tea cup down.

"I know my son can be a bit ..difficult to deal with. I know there are probably times that he's even hard to love. I just want to thank you for being here for him. I know the tabloids can get a bit out of hand, just know that we do not believe even half of what they write. What brought you and my son together? I want to hear it from you and not some stupid publicist looking for a good story", She said. Her eyes not leaving mine.

"Your son came into the club that Niall and I own and run. He let us know very quickly he was there. Who he was and what he wanted. Liam was trailing close behind him. I knew who he was. I watched boxing often. Well, just the fights he was in. Needless to say, I liked Harry before I ever met him in person. But his cocky attitude that he came into my club with caused me to step back some and put my guard up. He told me who he was and demanded a drink. I let him know who I was and that he will not get his drink by demanding it. That he will talk to me like a human being and then he would get what he asked for. Took a few minutes but I finally got my point across. He came in almost every night with the same attitude for about a month, trying to get me to go out with him. I finally gave into him and after a bit, I seen another side of him. The boy that you raised. Liam and Niall hit it off immediately. But took us a bit. He still lets his cocky side show at times, but I then let my sassy side show. I love your son, Anne. But he wont walk on me like he has others due to his insecurities. I do understand where he's coming from, but still, as his boyfriend, he will show me respect. At the same time, I am wanting to do all I can to make this work. But, i will not lose myself while doing that. Because I do know how Harry really is under his tough exterior, makes me love him even more. The fact that I am one of the few that he has let in, makes me feel even more special. When I brought up helping you guys get here for the holidays, the look on his face was priceless. He was nearly in tears. I know he has missed you just as much as you have missed him. And I am so grateful that you guys were able to make it and that I was able to help.", I explain this all to her. I see tears well up in her eyes as she puts he hand on top of mine

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