Chapter 76

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A/N:Not really much to say today. Well, I have a lot to say but if I speak my mind now it will ruin my mood to write this chapter. I will say that I can't wait till things get better for Louis. That boy deserves much better than what he's getting. and deserves to be treated better than he is being treated.

I wake up with a warm body next to me. I slightly open my eyes and see Harry's sleeping body next to me. His curls spread out across the pillow. Some people gripe that his hair is getting too long, but I find it quite sexy on him. His long hair and dimples. His smile. Yeah, they're gonna be the death of me. I smile at him as I lay here and watch him sleep. Creepy, I know. But I just can't help myself. This beauty that is beside me ignites something inside me that no one else has ever been able to do. My heart is on the mend from what happened before. Call me a fool for giving him another chance, but this time I am following my heart. Over the past few weeks we have had some heart to heart talks. He has opened up to me more during this time than he has over the months that we have been together. He has let me see passed his insecurities, passed his tough exterior, and has let me see the loving , caring person that he is. Now that I have seen that side of him, I can't just walk away from him. I'm going to show him that it's ok to not be strong all the time. That sometimes we have to break in order to build ourselves back up. And that asking for help, or crying when things get hard does not make you weak. I will get this through his head if it's the last thing I ever do. I think I am getting there though. Since his family came to see him, he and his mum have been able to work on their bond again. Not that the bond with them was ever broken, but now Harry is making sure he calls home everyday, sometimes twice a day. More than he was doing the past couple of years. And because of that, I am seeing a smile on his face that I have never seen. Yeah, I have seen him smile, but now it's a different kind of smile. He looks happier and more content. Like a burden has been lifted off his shoulders. He is now even wanting to use his walker a little more. If he really has to pee badly and may not make it, then he will use his bottle, but he really wants to try to 'walk' to the bathroom. I am brought out of my thoughts by a croaky 'Good morning'. I look over and see Harry's eyes partly open and a small smile on his face.

"Good morning, love", I say as I turn over so I can see him better and give him a small kiss to his lips. We hold off from deep kisses till we brush our teeth. Morning breath, you know.

"Good morning, baby", He says as his smile grows more. "What has you all dazed out and in another world", He asks as he pulls me closer to him.

"Just thinking about you. About us", I tell him as a yawn escapes my mouth.

"All good I hope", He says, running his fingers softly up and down my back.

"Just thinking about where we were and where we are now", I tell him as I kiss his chest. He then stops rubbing my back and goes quiet. This causes me to raise my head up from his chest and look up at him. I see small tears coming from the corners of his eyes. I fully set up and grab his face into my hands.

"Baby, why are you crying?", I ask him softly, wiping the tears away with the pad of my thumbs.

"I am trying so hard to make up for what I said and did to you, but I feel like I am failing at it", He says as he looks at the ceiling. This makes me want to cry myself.

"Baby, look at me", I tell him as I gently push his face towards me so we are looking at each other. "If I had even the slightest of doubt that you weren't really trying, I wouldn't be laying here with you right now. I see that you are trying to do better. That you are accepting things for what they have come to be. I see that you are sorry for what happened between us. I see how you are now reaching out to your family. I see all of this baby and it warms my heart. And makes me so happy that I get to be apart of this journey in your life. What happened between us hurt yes, but, it also caused us both to stop and take a deep breath and see what is most important and what matters most. That's what I have been trying to tell you that sometimes we have to fall flat on our faces before we see what is broken. And nine times out of ten, we see that it's ourselves needing to be fixed and not some one else.", I tell him, as the tears start coming down my cheeks our eyes not leaving each others the whole time I spoke. The tears in his eyes flooded out even more.

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