Chapter 80

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A/N:I hope you enjoy this chapter as the end of this story is coming close to an end. But as I have mentioned I do have plans for a sequel. But in the sequel I want more interaction with you, my lovely readers. i want your ideas and thoughts on how to make the sequel more interesting. So, please, if you have ideas or thoughts please message me or leave them in the comment section. And remember, when/if your idea appears in the book, you will get that chapter dedicated to you for your awesome and creative ideas. So please get involved with this with me. I want to hear from you guys. Please vote and comment on this chapter. As always, I love hearing from you guys and your support is much appreciated. Much love and a massive thank you!xx

"This is he", Louis said as he answered whoever was on the other end. I watched his face go from a smile to a frown in 2.5 seconds. I looked over at Liam and Niall, and if their faces mirrored mine, they were of concern and curiosity in one.

"By February fifth? I thought I had till May?", Louis said in a bit of a high squeaky voice. Meaning he was upset, nervous, and not liking what he was hearing. "Yes, sir, I understand. Talk again soon. bye", was all that was said as he hit the end button on his phone and sat it back down on the table. He just sat there and stared at it for a bit. The rest of us waiting patiently to see what he was told. After a bit of silence, he finally spoke.

"As you guys probably know by now, that was the head manager of the Doncaster Rover's League.", Louis starts off, still staring at his phone. I placed my hand on his thigh and squeezed it lightly, encouraging him to continue. "At first I had till the middle of May to give my answer about becoming Assistant Coach for my dream team. My Dream! Now, due to unforeseen circumstances, they are giving me till the fifth of February. One week guys!", He says as he finally looks around at us. Today is the end of January. My birthday is in two days and then he will be looking at leaving. Just when things started going good between us, my baby maybe leaving me.

"Louis, listen to me", Liam says as he looks from me to Louis. "This has been your life long dream, yes. But, take it from me, sometimes circumstances change our dreams or goals. You do what your heart tells you to do. No matter who may get upset", Liam says with a slight smile.

"I need time to think about this. Harry and I are now doing better than we have ever in the months that we have been together. I finally found the love of my life. I want to put my dream and the love of my life into one thing", Louis says as he reaches for my hand and grabs onto. "And I don't want to leave the club or you guys", Louis said as he looked at Niall and Liam. "My best friend, my great friend and my boyfriend. God! Why couldn't they have taken me for this years ago! Argh! Then I wouldn't have the wonderful life I have now, though.", he said as he looked around at all of us. "God, this is so hard", He exclaimed as he laid his head on his arms that are folded on the table. I started rubbing his back, but remained quiet. I didn't really know what to say or do. This was his decision to make. I can give my thoughts and advice, but in the end, it was his choice to make.

"Louis, no matter what your decision is, it's not going to change my love for you", I finally say as I kiss what part of his cheek I can see. He turns his head enough to see me. It still laying on his arms. "Thank you Haz. Means a lot to me", He says as he lifts up just a bit to kiss me. He then sets straight up and stretches a bit. "I need to make a phone call. Love, do you mind if I borrow your room for a bit?", He asks me as he grabs his phone and stands up from the table. "Sure, babe. But just know, while you're here my room is your room too", I tell him as I look up at him with a small smile.

"Are you calling them already?", Liam asks before Louis walks out of the kitchen. "No, calling my mum. They want me in their office no later than the evening of the fifth", He replies with a slight frown. "You're going to Doncaster?", I asked softly. "Yes, love. But just for a few days", He says with hesitance in his voice. he pecks my lips and then walks away to head upstairs.

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