Chapter 4

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Amy squealed as she wrapped her arms around her friend. Stampy stood there chuckling at them. Mousie had an incredulous look on her face.
"How'd you guys get here?" Mousie asked.
Stampy pointed to the big portal right next to him and laughed. Mousie facepalmed.
"Smooth Mousie..." She grumbled to herself. "So whats up? Why did you need to come here?" She shook her head and turned her attention to her friends.
"My villain Hit the Target came and stole all my friends, and is demanding my dogs for his army. Amy was able to barely escape, and well, you live in a different kind of world, so he was unable to take you."
Mousie saw something as they were talking and instantly became anxious.
Mousie motioned for them to go inside. As they walked through the halls, Amy noticed that Mousie had a panicked look spread on her face. They followed her into one of the towers, and she exhaled and sat down on the steps.
"Stampy, have you noticed any magic... in you or any others?" she said looking half worried half cheerful.
"Well Hit the Target was able to access magic, and the only other person I know that has magic is Amy!" Stampy half shouted, clearly distressed. Mousie gave him a sad smile and took out her wand.
"Would this-" she swirled her wand in a circular fashion. "-make you feel better?" As she swirled her wand around, a cake on a little table appeared out of thin air. Stampy went wide eyed.
"CAKE!" he yelled as he took a huge portion of it. As he munched away, Amy rolld her eyes and faced Mousie. She proceeded to tell Mousie both stories and the plan as Stampy munched away at his cake. Amy was able to assume the plan as soon as she realized where she was. The longer it took, the more paranoid Mousie got. When Amy finished her story, (and and more importantly when Stampy finished his cake), she looked as worried as ever.

"Well, I'm sorry guys, the plan you have is great and all, but I have a problem of my own." Mousie pointed out the window where villagers were running away from a man in red clothing. She muttered something that Stampy couldn't even hear, and stood up, snaking her hands down palms first on the table. She sprinted over to one of her chests and threw the lid open, looking for anything that could help her. A few seconds later she took her head out of the chest prepared to fight a battle. Stampy ran in front of her.
"If I can scare him away for a long while, will you help us?"He pleaded. He really needed her help. Mousie hesitated.
"If you can keep him away and prevent my kingdom from falling then you have my word." Mousie zoomed past Stampy and outside into the open battlefield. Stampy became determined. He ran in the direction of another chest, where he started to scavenge for armor and weapons, even though he still had his super special sword.
While Amy and him were searching through chests, Stampy found a stick that looked important, so he took it just in case. I mean, why not?
Stampy flew out of there, sword in hand, ready to take down anything. Outside, it was chaos. Mousie was battling spawning mobs and the main baddy was starting to make his way to her. Stampy charged forward, not paying attention to what he had in his hand. He battled his way through zombies and skeletons, slowly feeling more powerful as he progressed. When he got close enough, he raised the stick, thinking it was his sword and slashed down. It shined a bright gold and had a kind of mini explosion as it reached the end of its journey downwards. A big obsidian cage appeared around the victim, and at that moment, all of the mobs dropped dead. Stampy looked around. Amy was in the middle of shooting an arrow. Mousie was in a battle stance, looking around the field of dead skeletons and zombies. Her eyes fell on the obsidian box, and her eyes filled with joy. She mumbled something Amy recognized as the word 'red'. Mousie ran towards Stampy, throwing her sword on the ground.
"Stampy! You did it! You caught him! How?"
"I used this... uh... stick." Mousie went wide eyed.
"Stampy! Do you know what this means?" Stampy just stared blankly.
"Thaaaaaaaat I defeated an evil maniac with a stick?" He guessed. Mousie rolled her her eyes.
"Yes, AND you have the ability to control magic!" Stampy stared at her blankly. Mousie sighed and grab Stampy's wrist. She drug him through her castle, Amy laughing behind them.
Amy seemed to become more happy as they finally got through the series of rooms into Mousie's basement. Stampy tried to understand what Mousie was telling him, but he couldn't stop thinking about his missing friends.
By now, the sun was only about to fall down on the other side of the world, still seeming to be in the middle of the sky.
Stampy sighed. He thought about everyone that had been captured, and started missing his friends even more. Suddenly he heard a huge BAM!
Stampy drew his attention to the angry Mousie across from him.
"Stampy! Focus!" Stampy looked down with embarrassment. Mousie took a deep breath.
"Okay, so," Mousie started. "Magic works in a mysterious way. Scholars today don't even know how it works. I guess somehow you gained a power...but that was incredible! How did you do that?!" Stampy began to get worried.
"I-I don't know, my hand just started to glow and when I slashed down...the...he just-" He stopped. Mousie smiled.
"Sounds like you have a power." She put her hand on his shoulder.
"Powers are a strong sense of magic. A lot of people have a power, especially people that are leaders, or born from magical parents.
"You, Stampy see to be in this case."
"How should I believe you?" Stampy asked, stressed. "Wouldn't I know if I had a power?"
Mousie smiled.
"Stampy. You have a power. I already know what it is. You just haven't found out yet. " Stampy looked at her eagerly.
"What?...Oh!" Mousie facepalmed.
"You can change the world around you. Not like earth benders or anything," Mousie laughed. "But you can change pretty much anything. " Stampy looked confused. Mousie went on.
"When the leader of a world has powers, his friends/ followers have powers as well. " Amy walked up behind Stampy.
"Like me. I can control water!" Amy explained, giving him an example. Stampy started to understand.
"All you need to do it think of something, and it'll happen. Anything will change. "
Stampy thought. Then he had an idea. Mousie helped him, so he thought he'd return the favor. He started thinking hard about the item.
"Um...Stampy, it's already there. " Amy stated. Stampy looked to an enlightened Mousie with a new little crown. She giggled.
"Thanks Stampy. " Mousie quickly changed her enlightenment to a face of impressment.
"Stampy! Did you feel how quick it was?" Mousie said putting her new crown on the table in front of her. Stampy nodded.
"That means, your super strong. And that means, with our help, Hit the target will be history. "

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