Friendly Fueds|Dunbar

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[Katherine's POV]

I was at Derek's loft as Scott was trying to help me control my wolf side.

"Ugh! I just can't!" I groan.

"You can do-" Scott got cut off by Liam.

"It's super easy! I don't even know why Scott chose you as a beta" Liam laughed.

Tears stung my eyes as he continued to rant.

"Your so ignorant" I cry as he rants.

His face softens as he sees the tears streaming down my face.

"Katherine-" Liam goes to comfort me but I push him away.

"Don't" I ran away and go to the woods, the place where I always go to cool off or clear my head.

[Liam's POV]

"What the hell Liam?" Scott groans as Katherine ran away.

"Go get her!" Derek orders.

"Fine" I mumble and run to get her.

*An hour later*

I still can't find her!

I wasn't thinking when I said those things. I've actually liked her since I moved here.

"Katherine!" I shouted throughout the woods.

Soon a wolf came trotting up to me.

"Katherine?" I ask.

She nods her head.

I stare in awe as I pet her fur.

"I was so worried" I hug her.

I felt her shift back into her human self.

"I'm sorry I said those things to you" I sigh.

"It's fine Liam" She smiles at me and hugs me back.

"No it's not" I pull apart from her and fiddle with my fingers.

"Liam, it's okay" She tries to convince me.

"No it's-" I get cut off by lips pressing to mine.

We pulled away after a minute.

"I'm sorry" Katherine blushed.

I laughed at her cuteness and kissed her again.
Hope you liked it! I'm sorry if it was bad but this was my first imagine for someone.

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