How To Save A Life|Dunbar

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Again this is going to be a little different of a plot so just roll with it. This is for harleyalex

Liam ran through the doors of Eichen House knocking anything and anyone out of his way.

He only had one thing on his mind, his best friend, and crush, Harley. Today he was supposed to tell her that he was in love with her. And that ever since he had layed his eyes on her, he wanted to kiss her.

Liam ran to the hallway where Harley would be, but was then thrown back by a wall. Scott followed behind him trying to break the field holding them back.

Stiles was too caught up in trying to get Lydia out of the other section that he couldn't help them out. Having Banshee sisters did have its disadvantages.

After many attempts to get through, Liam let out a cry. He felt powerless, weak. But Scott wouldn't let him give up.

Soon the dread doctors and Theo came, pushing them out of the way and going to Harley's room. Theo gave Scott and Liam one last look before he and the Dread Doctors entered Harley's room.

Tracy and Cory came, fighting Scott and Liam so they wouldn't get Harley from the Dread Doctors. Once Cory and Tracy got them pinned, she paralyzed them, leaving them unable to even trip them.

*Time Skip*

Liam stood there face to face with Harley, tearing up at the sight of her. They had turned her into a monster. Liam would never forgive himself for not trying more to save her.

"Harley, I don't want to hurt you. But I will if I have to" Liam's voice began to break, "Please don't make me"

Harley only let out a growl and got into an attacking stance. Liam's mind was at war. Should I stop her. I love her, but she'll kill everyone.

"I love you Harley" Liam cried out.

He expected some magical movie moment where that one sentence would change everything and she would be back to normal. Or she would run away then come back a little later and say how much she was sorry and that she loved him so much.

But this was real life, not a movie. And Harley was a true beast right now. They turned her into a beast.

And just like any beast, she attacked. Liam then had no choice, but to also, attack. The fight got intense, and Liam knew what he had to do.

Harley had him pinned down and he didn't think he'd escape her grip alive. But thanks to his wolf powers, he switched their positions.

"I love you Harley" Was the last thing Liam said to her as he took out his claws and stabbed her in the abdomen.

Liam waited till she was limp and pulled his claws out, beginning to sob. The love of his life was now dead, in front of him. This was all his fault.

Liam gave Harley a kiss on the forehead and brought her to Deaton to give her a proper burial.


Hope this is what you wanted!

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