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Last game of the season. Last 10 seconds of the season.

It all came down to Brett and number 52. They were playing another private school, one that I have yet to remember.

Brett was speeding down the field, his eyes glowing and canine's evident. I watched in awe as he made the goal. As soon as the ball shot into the net I jumped up and down, screaming.

Running down the bleachers, I made my way to see Brett. Pushing my way through the hundreds of people crowding around my boyfriend.

"Brett!" I tried to tell over everyone's chants, but it just seemed like I was going along with them.

A slight frown took over my face as I wrapped my scarf around my neck a little more. The air was crisp, which made me want to embrace him even more. I finally decided on just waiting outside of the huge crowd.

As soon as I made my way out hands wrapped around my waist. I sighed in content, instantly knowing who it is. He nuzzled his nose into my neck and let out a breath.

"I'm so proud of you" I smiled, turning around in his hold.

"Thank you babe" Brett continued to keep his face in my neck.

"But you're sweaty so go change and I'll wait for you out here" I pushed him off.

"Why don't you come with me?" He wiggled his eyebrows at me.

"As much as I'd love that, there are about 20 other people in there" I giggled.

"Why don't I just get my stuff and we'll go back to my house" Brett questioned, starting to walk to the locker room.

"Sure, let's do that" I smiled, biting my lip in the process.

"Stop" he groaned.

I just laughed and continued to walk to the locker room.


This is really short and I'm sorry about that. But do you guys want a part two? Like a smutty part 2?

Please comment <3

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