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Liam got second😄

"Pick up your phone!" I shouted and threw my phone on the ground.

I was outside of the Eichen House and he wouldn't call me to tell me what to do. And to make it all peachy, I have anger issues.

Marvelous, isn't it.

Since I'm a werewolf just like Liam, I decided to climb over the wall so I can get in and help. I huffed and began to run when a car pulled next to mine and scared me. I tripped and ran into the wall.

Mason ran out of his car and kneeled down next to me.

"Oh my gosh, are you okay" He looked for any signs of pain.

"Nope. Just pissed" I growled getting up.

"What happened?" Mason helped me stabilize myself as I felt a little dizzy from the hit to my head.

"Liam won't answer his god damn phone and I need to ask him what to do to get them out of there. And then I was just about to climb up the wall when you scared the shit out of me" I groaned as I felt a headache come on.

Then suddenly someone knocked on the wall from the inside. Mason and I jumped.

"It's me, Hayden"

We sighed but then I realized that she was in there with them. With Liam.

"Have you been inside, inside?" I asked suddenly.

"Yeah. We've been waiting for you. So I just decided to do it myself" Hayden explained.

"Well I'm sorry no one would answer so I could do it" I snapped, my temper slowly disintegrating.

"Just do whatever you have to do to shut the power off" Mason told Hayden, interrupting our soon to be argument.

Hayden sighed and we heard footsteps walking away from the wall. Then we saw sparks and heard ripping of wire.

"Done" Hayden yelled.

Mason nodded, texting Liam. I sighed and went back to my car.

"Where are you going?" Mason questioned.

"Home. I'm clearly not needed anymore" I rolled my eyes and continued to walk away.

I herd Mason groan and tap his phone furiously. I'm guessing he's texting Liam. Mason and I are also best friends, so he knows how jealous I am.

"Hayden just tell Scott that we're leaving" Mason shouted to Hayden.

Hayden replied with a "k" and we left. Mason met me back at my house. We had ice cream and ranted to each other. I was in the middle of ranting about Liam and Hayden, when Liam came into my room.

"What's going on in here?" Liam asked, breathing heavily.

"You already know" I laughed as I knew he used his werewolf hearing to listen in on our conversation.

Liam blushed and looked down. Mason looked between us and then nodded, leaving us in the room together.

"That's how you really feel?" Liam sighed, walking closer to me. "That I like Hayden more?"

I nodded and he came up and hugged me. "Y/N. I love you so freaking much! You don't understand" Liam let out a chuckle and kissed my forehead.

"I love you too Dunbar" I giggled and we cuddled the rest of the night.
Do you want me to add the girls?

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