Chapter 7

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"Beth, it's good to see you are still alive." He said, his hands up in the air. Even though I could tell he was tryin to remain calm, there was a small quiver in his voice.

My mouth spread into a wicked smile, I should kill you right here and now.

"Can't say the same for you. I need a favor. My brother in law was shot and you were the nearest docter. Can you save him?"

Edwards tilted his head so he could see Daryl holdin Glenn up.

"Maybe. But first we need to put the weapons down. I can't work well with a gun to my head."

In the corner of my eye I watched Rick's expression. He lowered his gun slowly, so I followed.

"Alright, bring him into this room and we'll get started. We'll talk about payment after."

I cringed at the statement, but Rick rubbed my shoulder, "Beth was cut too, she'll need stitches."

Edwards nodded, motionin for Daryl to get Glenn into the room.

"You were the one to shoot Dawn." Daryl didn't nod, he didn't speak, just brought Glenn into the room.

"Have any other docters?" Rick asked, I bit my lip, rememberin the Docter I had killed, unknowingly.

"Nope, its uh, just me" he looked at me, ready for me too speak, but I didn't.

"Who's in charge now?"

"Stevens," he started to get to work as we all watched just in case.

Sasha still held her gun at a slight angle towards him, watchin silently like a cat.

I crossed the room to stand by Daryl, who's shirt was bloody from Glenn.

"Okay?" He asks, I nod.

"You?" He shrugs, rubbin his chin with his hand.

When Dr. Edwards was finished Glenn was wheeled out and Sasha and Rick followed.

I hopped onto a new bed, my feet danglin off the edge.

"Lay down." Edwards instructed and I was hesitant to do so.

"How are you feeling? Where's this cut?" I lifted my shirt just enough to show the long gash.

"Fine." I couldn't help but notice Daryl tensed every time Edwards placed his had on my skin.

He took out a needle, "no drugs." I practically shouted.

"I'll just tough it out." I say.

"Beth it hurts a lot. You need at least fifteen stitches." I nodded.

"I'll be fine."

"Beth-" Daryl started but I silenced him with a look.

I didn't trust Edwards.

"Okay here we go," Edwards pricked the needle into my skin. I inhaled sharply and Daryl was by my side in one quick motion.

"Its fine. Keep goin." I said through gritted teeth. The silver needle threaded in and out of my skin like a dolphin in water.

There was sweat on my forehead as I tried to concentrate on somethin other that the pain.

I grabbed hold of Daryl's hand when another spike of pain erupted. Shuttin my eyes.

I squeezed his hand, and he let me, but I let go when I realized it could hurt him.

"Almost done."

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