Chapter 9

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Daryl lead me back to Glenn's room where everyone was still asleep. The clock read 5:23am, which confused me for a bit.

"Beth, I know this is stupid but I gotta say it." I nod, lettin him continue.

"I love ya. Not some dumb shit fairy tail love. But real love. Jus' thought you'd need to know that." He let's out a breath that he seemed to have been holdin for a while.

"That's not stupid, not one bit, I love you too." And with that I pull Daryl close in a hug, his lips press against my forehead and I lean into him. My eyes struggle to stay open as my body completely relaxes.

Thankfully we part and lay down, only to be woven into his arms again.

I let myself sleep, so scared of what image my mind would show me.

But nothin happened, it was black, sweet relief washed over me.
Thank God.

I guess Rick was right, not dreamin is better than nightmares.


"Beth you awake?"

"I am now." I say, rubbin my eyes against the harsh sunlight poolin through the large clean window, "what's the time?"

"It past noon, we're leavin now, Daryl and Sasha are getting Glenn in the car." Rick says.

I kept my eyes closed, "Glenn's not awake?" "Yeah, he is" he chuckles a bit, "just a bit dizzy is all."

I smile, happy my brother in law was alright, he would be there for my neice or nephew, a great father.


"Beth?" Rick dragged out my name like he was urgent to tell me somethin.

"What?" Finally I opened my eyes, my body and mind still exhausted.

"Where do they keep all their medicine?" He asked lookin back at the door makin sure it was still closed.

"We have medicine." I say groanin, "and they're not going to give it to ya."

"I know. But not enough, Not if we're going to keep getting members."

"So your just goin to steal?" I ask, sittin up, my tailbone achin from the floor.

"I didn't say that." He holds his hands up in defense.

"Then what are you sayin?" He turned away from me, placin his hands on his hips.

"Nothing Beth just let it go." He starts to leave but I scramble up after him.

"No, I'm not going to let you kill anyone for anythin. I'm not goin to let it." I grab hold of his arm and he looks surprised.

"This is why you wanted to come wasn't it? To steal and maybe kill a few of them. Eliminating a threat?" At first he just stared at me as if I had gone insane.

But then he shrugged off my shoulder and left the room. I left out a large sigh, I had really slept, it made me feel so refreshed.
Daryl loves me, I love him. We should tell everybody.

Noddin to myself I pictured us as a couple, just like Maggie and Glenn. Gettin married, maybe havin a kid one day.

Laughter rose to my throat, as images of what our kids would look like popped up.

"You ready to go?" Daryl asked, suddenly appearin at the doorway, he leaned against it casually.

"Mhm." I checked my surroundins, like I was forgettin somethin.

"I think I want to be in a relationship with you." I blurt out, unsure of where this conversation will go.

"Aren't we already, I mean, we've youno, done stuff." He said, hushin the last bit of the sentence.

"But I mean, God I didn't think I'd be havin this conversation anytime durin the apocalypse, I want to be your girlfriend. Your public girlfriend."

"Okay." He says simply.

"Okay? That's it." I reply, slightly bewildered at how fast he answered.

"What else? I sure as hell am scared what people gonna think but, I'll be okay." He takes a step towards me, "your sister, she's gonna kill me." Leanin in he places his lips on mine, his hands lightly touchin my face and hair.

It was a gentle beautiful kiss, one that I know I was goin to remember.

"We gotta go." Daryl's fingers fold into mine as we start down the hallway. Stoppin by the stairwell waitin for Rick.

"How are them stitches?" He questions, I raise the hem of my shirt up a bit to view the deep red cut.

"Looks better." Noddin, Daryl lifts his head as Rick makes his way down the hall, only glancin at our hands, that were still firmly graspin each other.

"Ready?" Rick asks, and we both nod, headin down the stairs towards the van.

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