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As we enter the Nandos place a whole bunch of girls start rushing towards us. I stand in front of the boys and give the girls a look of plea.

"Can we please have a few minutes of normality? I'm sure the boys will appreciate it."

"How do you know what they will appreciate!" a girl shouted. I turned to the boys and said, "I tried to be nice" and they just nodded their heads. Then I did a flip down the middle so the girls will part. The plan worked and the boys walked through. When Niall walked through I grabbed his hand and walked to a table. I could hear the girls calling me names under their breaths and going back to their tables.

"Jillian why the sudden change in emotions?", my sister asked I thought you hate romantic things."

"I thought so too but Niall he's just so nice and I learned we have a lot in common from the interview...and yeah." Niall blushed and the boys oohed like the childish the boys they are.

"So do you guys eat your in your condition." Harry asked.

"Yah just think of us as humans with super powers who can't do certain things. Girls only have to feed once a month. Boys don't have to at all they just do it for fun. They think that all of this is just a game and that humans deserve what they get but I think it's just cruel." Jocelyn said.

"When you say feed you mean..."


"Do your eyes turn gray when you have to feed?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"Because both of you guys' eyes are gray." The boys suddenly got scared.

"Don't worry we don't hunt humans, we just take a bag from the hospital." I said grabbing the bottles from my bag. I threw it to her and she caught without looking in my general direction. "Show off" I mumbled and she laughed.

Niall probably ate like half of a cow. He eats too much. "Where does all of this food go I mean you're so buff?"

"That's for me to know and for you to find out." He teased. I sucked my teeth and walked off. Louis jumped on my back and I ran out of the restaurant. When I saw nobody was looking I said to Louis "hold on tight." And vamp ran around entire England in the time it would take us to ran around the restaurant in human speed so nobody would be suspicious. Louis was screaming like a little baby. I was laughing the whole time. When we got back to the restaurant I put Louis down and asked "did you have fun." Louis fell to ground panting and it looked like his was crying. Everybody went silent except for Jocie and me. Then Louis pops up and shouted "oh. My. Gosh. That was AWESOME!" Then everybody started laughing. "Come on we have to go to the studio leading everyone to the limo.

"Don't you guys ever get tired of riding in this limo?" Jocie asked.

"Yeah we asked for a car last week were getting one next week." Liam answered.

"Oh" Niall and I just had a conversation using our minds.

--------------mind convo-----------------

"Were you serious about what you said at the interview. You know what you said about me being happy."

"Of course I was, I wouldn't lie on the radio."

"But you lie to your sister. You said you didn't like one direction!" My sister interrupted.

"Sorry Joce (joss) it just sort of happened. I was embarrassed to tell you. I'm supposed to be all hard core and stuff and then you hear me listening about freckles, tea, and making sense. It's just so not me. In only like a few songs though. Sorry Niall."

"It's okay" he replied.

"I'm still mad" and then she left he convo all together. "All I have to do is give her some candy and she'll be fine. Don't worry about her." He laughed and we rode joking the rest of the way.

----------------Zayn's POV----------------

Look at them I can't believe they are okay with what she is. I absolutely hate her. Yeah I liked her at first but that was before I knew what she was. I can't believe it. I want and will kill her. Niall will probably hate me. I also I have to kill her sister too. It's going to be so much fun. My family and I had been wanting to kill this family for a while now. I guess you can say our families have bad beef. This is going to be so fun. I've been waiting a long time for this. Longer than you would understand.

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