Mr Okai - His love of maths -

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Okay so if you have read undercover magic then you would know who Professor Okai is. Well he is an actually teacher of ours who is awesome but has an obsession with maths

So this is how maths revision session went down with him and the sort of conversations we have with him so yeah.....


Mr Oaki: Here is your homework for the week. It is a non calculator paper and it has to be done by Friday (He tells us this on a Tuesday)

Kate: Are we allowed to write on the sheet sir?

Mr Okai in mid walking away shout 'NO' then adds very seriously 'if you write on the sheet, i will break every bone in your hand'

Charlotte: Is that a threat sir?'

'Mr Okai: No that's a promise

(so basically he has an obsession with maths and thinks it is the only things that counts in life. He gives us a past paper for homework but we are not allowed to write on the paper. WTP! )


(Kate's Revision episode)

Okay so here Kate had to go to ICT quickly to finish off some work and told Megane and Charlotte (me) to tell Mr Okai she would be up to revision in about ten minutes. So we decided to do the opposite.

Mr Okai: Your here?

Kate: Well...Yeah I am'

Mr Okai: I didn't know you were coming... so i didn't print you off a worksheet.'

Kate: Sir. I told Megane and Charlotte to tell you I had to do ICT for ten minutes then I would come up to revision. GUYS What did you tell Mr Okai?

Megane: Charlotte told me to do it!

Me: Well I told Mr Okai you weren't coming to revision because you hate maths.

Kate: I never told you to tell him that!

Me and Megane: Exactly

Kate: oooh we got a bad ass over here 

(Bearing in mind during this whole time the populars are looking at us like we are freaks....which to be honest is totally true!)

so Mr Okai continues his revision pretty much ignoring Kate turning up until he comes over...

Mr Okai: I have printed off the exam questions for you which you can go get from the photocopier.

Kate: But Sir. Don't you think that seeing as Megane and Charlotte told you I wasn't coming to revision they should go get the sheets!

Mr Okai (ignoring Kate again) When you get to the photo copier, press the green button and type in this code...then press the first item that comes up on the screen press print and then delete

Kate: so much effort

Mr Okai: Can you remember all of that?

Kate: Maybe go through it once more sir?'

Megane: I'll go with you 

Me being the lazy one decided to stay in the maths room because getting up required effort.

Kate: Let's go have an adventure. It is kind of like following a treasure map.

(Moving on from the strange but awesome Mr Okai for a moment...time for the adventure Megane and Kate had at the photocopier)

So they ran like a boss to the photocopier

Megane: How does this contraption work?

Kate: I think we pressing this button!

Megane: It's like magic!

An aggressive midget who we only call a midget because they are in a younger year and should technically be smaller than us but this one is actually taller said...'You know other people can here you talking to yourself'

Kate: Go get a haircut! (the midget had long curly hair)

Megane: So you type in the code...then select first print and delete

Nothing happened

Midget: pffft. Who taught you Ict

Kate: Technically it is a photocopier not a computer so why would we need Ict skills?

Megane: Kate! never aggravate midgets. They are very aggressive

So they finally returned to ME in maths telling Mr Okai that the photocopier was broke because it was the only explanation. And as they explained the whole story to me we received more glares from the populars table


(The Theory of the children in Mr Okai's Hair) ----> Remember from the story?

Okay so by the end of the revision everyone had left and we followed Mr Okai to the photocopier downstairs where he ended up printing out Kate's work sheet and this is what happened

Megane: Should we ask him about the children?

Right. Here is the theory. Our theory is that our maths teacher Mr Okai hides small missing children in his Afro and we had been debating it for quite some time. Told you we are weird

Me: Go for it!

Megane: Sir. Do you have children in your Afro?

Kate: Way to be blunt Megane. You can't just ask respected maths teachers if they have children in their Afro?

Mr Okai: Children?

Kate? We have this theory sir that you have children hiding in your Afro

Mr Okai: WHAT?' He looked at us like we are crazy (yet again it is true)

Me: And they swing on your curls and the pen in your Afro keeps them from falling out

Mr Okai: That's highly unlikely

Me: But not impossible sir?

Mr Okai: No...not impossible (he even had a sneaky smile)

All three of us: HE ADMITS!

Mr Okai chuckles: You girls. Well I must be going. Lots of important stuff to do.

Kate: He's taking the children bowling!

Mr Okai: No. bowling is a Saturday thing.

Megane: Yeah Kate bowling is a Saturday thing.

And that is how we all left our strange maths teacher and completely weird revision session laughing like the fools we are

We learnt a very important lesson.

Mr Okai didn't dent the children in his Afro!!


That is just one day of our crazy life. All of this is true no lies!!!! We told you to be warned. 

@3musketeers x

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