Kate's dream part two

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Okay here are two dreams in one because they are short


(Fish apocalypse)

-I was in the second floor of my house but for some reason it was partly my old house too. As I walked downstairs I noticed that my house was filled with water but I could still breath and could still walk on the floor without floating off. I walked into the kitchen and we now miraculously had a breakfast bar. Lots of brightly coloured fish started to swim around the house. They telepathically asked me to cook them a chicken, so I did. I'd never cooked a chicken before so I didn't know how long to cook it for. The chicken came out of the oven burnt through. The fish got really angry and started to chase me around the house.


Told you it was short



Kate: This dream happened twice but slightly differently each time

The first time I was walking along the road and I saw a Hobo eating beef jerkey so I stole it off of him and then ran away. The hobo started chasing me and then I fell off a cliff

The second time the hobo had a cream pie so I stole that off of him. I ran away, he started chasing me and this time I fell down a well.


There you go guys. That was another installment of Kate's weird dreams!

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