The Interview - Part 1 -

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Hey guys thank you for your awesome questions so here is the interview


Louis: Hello and welcome to the awesome 3 musketeers show! 

Harry: That should actually be a real show.

Louis: Today Haz and I will be interviewing the 3 awesome girls themselves.

Harry: They go by the names Kate, Megane and Charlotte and are so awesome people are stay away from them as they feel they will never be as awesome as them.

Louis: That is totally true. Even we aren't as awesome as these girls. 

Harry: So you asked the question and now the girls will answer them. Say hi girls!

All 3: Hi girls.

Louis: Very funny.

Kate: That is what we are here for 

Charlotte: Plus they said there would be pie

Kate: There was no pie.

Harry: I believe there was pie but Niall was here earlier so no there is no pie.



Louis: Moving on. You ready to answer the questions girls?

Kate: Questions? I didn't know there was going to be a quiz!

Megane: That's the point of an interview Kate.

Kate: Uggg effort.

Harry: Soo...First question, how old are you guys?

Megane: I am ze oldest and I am 16 

Kate: I am the youngest at 15

Charlotte: I am in the middle. I am 15 but turning 16 on the 30th april. 

Kate: Then 3 weeks after so will I.

Megane: Now then, there will definitely be cake!


Harry and Louis *laughing*

Harry: You girls.

Louis: Next question. What are your favorite colours.

Kate: These questions better get more interesting. I will have to say green because when I was younger I wanted to be a frog so my favourite colour has always been green

Megane: Red! because it is bright and the colour of my nose when i get sun burnt

Charlotte: BLUE! Like a smurf.

Kate: I wish I was a smurf. *sobs*

Charlotte: Me two

Megane: Me three. And we live in mushrooms houses with pie Jacuzzis 

Kate: The life I dream of.

Harry: Moving on...What's your favourite book?

Charlotte: The hunger games are amazing! And the harry potter books...once I finish reading them..

Megane: fool...Um I don't have one favourite story so probably Harry potter and the Gone series and the Wings series.

A day in the life of the crazy, random, amazing 3 Musketeers!!!!!!Where stories live. Discover now