Kate's Dreams - Part 1 - Circle Party -

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Okay so Kate has these crazy weird dreams all of the time and we are going to start sharing them with you amazing basement people and we want your opinion

Tell how insane you think Kate is and how messed up her head you think is...

So this is the...


KATE: I was in the school hall with Megane and Charlotte, it was dark and people were sitting together in groups on the ground.

There was a long table laid out all fancy in the middle of the room. Students and teacher were sitting around it as well as three hooded figures. Me and the guys were pushed towards the table and forced to sit down.

Me and Megane were sat next to the hooded figures, who seemed to be in charge of the whole table, and Charlotte was placed at the other end of the table. The students around the table were all of Devlins lot. The table was layer out with a fabulous buffet. The cloaked figures were showing a video on an old black box shaped TV of starving children in Africa ( or something along those lines ).

Me and Megane were so disgusted by the video that we rose from the table. The hooded figures rose from the table and left promptly. Miss Driscoll, who had been sitting opposite us, told us to sit down and eat like everyone else. We argued that the hooded people just left. We went to find Charlotte at the other end of the table. She was sat stuffing her face. We got her to leave the table... Eventually.

Ross ran out of the hall followed by Kayleigh. I decided to follow them out. There was lots of midgets (younger students) walking around the mal. I couldn't see Ross or Kayleigh anywhere. I walked down to the canteen to search for them. The canteen was completely empty. I went to go up the inside stairs but there was a couple of people standing at the top of the steps. It looked like they were having a private wine party so I didn't go upstairs.

Ross and Kayleigh started walking towards me down the mal, which was now empty. They were wearing circle costumes. Ross was dressed as a giant yellow circle costume and Kayleigh a green one. We went into the entrance of the hall by the canteen. The hall had been cleared on the entire right side.

The long table still stood in the middle. We walked to the end of the right side of the hall and Ross took of his cape (that he had suddenly started wearing) and threw it to the audience. Kayleigh randomly ran off and loads of people from our year group, also dressed as circles ran up to join us.

All of us started dancing and running around but I didn't really know what I was doing. Tyler, who was a red circle, randomly started doing cartwheels and backflips. Then someone wheeled in a pile of multi- coloured mats and every declared that we were gong to build a castle. I grabbed a mat and chucked it on a pile that was beginning to resemble a castle. Then the castle toppled over on Michael West and everyone started panicking and ordering someone to get a stretcher.

I then ran off and started singing oom pah pah from Oliver Twist with Megane and Charlotte as we bounced down the mall.


There you go by the way the names you have never heard from us before are just people in our school. So yup we told you Kate has weird dreams and this is just one of them.

what will we do with her


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