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The stench of freshly turned soil and plants around me turned my stomach as I made my way to yet another turn of the maze.

The utter darkness surrounding me felt like a physical weight on my lungs, preventing me from drawing another breath.

I have been wandering, for what felt like days, in this seemingly endless abyss. Surely someone will come looking for me in some time?

But even hoping felt foolish at the moment, my insides screaming at me that I will never be the same fleur that entered this maze.

Finally, after yet another turn, the maze opened up to a small clearing. With a sigh of relief, I gave a silent prayer of thanks to my stars.

Finally I was at the center of the maze. Finally this will be over, regardless of whether I won or not.

But as I stepped closer, instead of looking at the tri-wizard cup, my eyes took in a cloaked shadow figure that stood in the middle of the clearing.

Before him, stood two other people, one of them short with bony structure and glasses, the other one taller, thicker and more muscular standing in a slouched posture.

Harry and Krum. They stood facing each other; not noticing me; not moving at all.

I can see the cloaked figure in the space between them as he suddenly raised his hand and pointed a wand straight at me. "Avada kedavra", the figure screamed and a jet of bright green light traveled in slowly towards me.

I try to scream but no sound comes out of my mouth. My feet refuse to cooperate too as I try to move out of the way.

Feeling beyond helpless I glance at my feet, willing them to move when I notice that there is a boy lying at my feet on his stomach.

Immediately I duct down, another scream building in my throat, as I grab his shoulders and turn his face upwards.

All air leaves my lungs as I immediately recognise the boy. Cedric Diggory. His eyes were open, staring unseeingly, lifelessly up at me. Dead.

My eyes snap open as I come back to a brightly lit room, the sunrays only obscured by pale pink curtains, as the stench of soil and plants still seeming to linger around me.

It takes a few minutes and wrinkly, concerned face of a house elf to finally make me sit up in my feather bed.

Trudy places the tray with elegant tea cup down on a nearby vanity table and hobbles her way towards my bed. "Iz my miss OK feeling?" She asked, in her slightly wavery voice.

"Do Trudy call mistress, Miss?", she further inquires as she reaches my bed and place her wrinkly hand on the side of bed, as if to pull herself up.

Calling my mother would only mean more fuss around my room, and after the graduation ceremony at Beauxbatons academy of Magic two nights ago and travelling back home from Pyrenees to Paris in an almost whole day's journey in the flying carriage, the last thing I needed was my mother's over enthusiasm in her elder daughter graduating.

So in, what I hope, a calm voice, I reply, "non non Trudy, I 'ave asked my family to meet me at breakfast table. I do not want to disturb zere daily 'abits becauze of me. And oui, tea zis morning weeell be lovely."

Trudy, being a loyal elf, quietly hands me my tea before hobbling out of my room.

Even though I have lived in this house all my life, it feels weird to get up in this room which has been decorated like a fairy princess' room,complete with a set of sparkly, fluttering pink wings above the headboard of my pale pink feather bed.

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