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The chime of clock from living room informed me that it was 3 am in the morning, which made it whole 2 hours since I have been sitting here, trying to write a letter to my mother.

The blank parchment lying in front of me, and many others rolled up at my feet, though, told me that it was a lost cause.

No matter how much I tried, I won't be able to concentrate on it when the whole of focus was trained on catching any noise from the other side of my bedroom wall.

But so far, everything at there was as quiet as the night outside my window, not even a breath of wind rustling the trees.

Giving up on the letter, I got up from my desk, deciding to lie down and try to fall asleep.

As I turned towards my bed, however, I accidentally brushed the desk, rattling it a little, and immediately reminded me of the night when the boggart had jumped out of it and my helpful neighbour had come to my rescue.

Just when I decide not to think about him, something happens to remind me of the real reason why I was awake at 3 am in the morning.

Bill wasn't home yet, just like he wasn't last night and the whole day today.

Admittedly, this wasn't the first time he had stayed the night out since I moved here, but something about his absence tonight sent an uneasy shiver down my spine.

It was probably nothing. He might have decided to visit his family for the weekend or, maybe had a special someone he wanted to spend whole weekend, both day and night, with.

The last thought sent a painful stab through my chest for reasons I refused to analyze at the moment.

Sitting on my bed, I sighed and rubbed the back of my neck, which was prickling with unease. It scared me, how much I cared about him, wanted him to be safe, in just a week.

I knew I was attracted to him, but feeling attraction was not a new experience for me. This worrying, waiting up all night just to make sure he was safe, however, was unlike anything I have ever experienced before.

Something that I didn't like, but unable to help anyways. For no apparent reason, I felt agitated, on the edge, having the urge to pace around the room, restless.

Heaving another sigh, I shook my head and resolved to put all thoughts and worries, of my handsome boss slash neighbour out of my head and grab some much needed sleep before going to work.

I got up from bed and walked out of the room to the kitchen, determined to wash the knot of worry down my throat, and go straight to sleep.

I hadn't taken two sips, however, when I heard faint footsteps ascending the stairs.

With a booming heart, I quickly walked up to the door, pressing my ear to it, and heard the footsteps on the tiled floor of corridor now.

I waited, straining to hear him walk inside and close his door, but what I heard was a clattering sound of something, maybe a stick or wand and his swear.

What got me hurriedly grab my wand and undo my protective spells to open the door, though, was his paint filled groan and a hissing of breath that would have been impossible to hear had the night not been this quiet.

Just as I wretched my door open, he opened his, ready to walk in, but paused at the doorway and peered over his shoulder at me.

I saw a spark of surprise in his blue eyes, before he angled his head away from me, and without turning around asked, "Good eve- or rather, morning, Fleur. What are you doing up so late?"

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