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I knew I shouldn't have. But knowing and doing were different things. Crouching down behind a bushy plant, tall enough to hide me behind it, I decided I did trust Bill. It was that pink haired auror I didn't trust.

With a sick feeling in my stomach, I recalled the taunting voices of those goblins today at reception after Bill had left with Tonks.

As I had made my way to the cabin that I shared with Bill, a nasally voice called out, "What happened, Ms. Delacour? All alone today? Where's your boss?" noles' voice grating on my nerves.

"He left, didn't you know he did? With that auror girl again, ofcourse."

"She's an auror?" I asked, before I could stop myself. But really, she was an auror?

I didn't have any insecurities about myself, but I did know auror was one of the most dangerous professions in the Wizarding world.

I had thought this Tonks woman was some sad, mousy witch with a crush that could barely wave her wand.

To find that she was no mousy, sorry witch with strange hairs and was instead a capable woman that could easily hold Bill's attention... It made me uneasy. A bit.

Sensing that I had chewed the bait thrown at me, Noles and the goblin I didn't know the name of, smirked.

"Oh yeah, mademoiselle. She's an auror. And belonging to a pure blood family, just like our curse breaker here. Very tight she is with his family. His mum and sister just loves precious Tonks, they do." said the unknown goblin, his words pinching my heart for some reason.

"Where do you reckon they went Bogrod?" Noles asked slyly, turning to the other goblin.

"That is anybody's guess Noles, but I would say they would go to that park again. Benedict Park, in Central London. A friend of mine saw them strolling there in the evenings some times on his way out of the ministry. Its always empty after dark..." he trailed off, eying me with barely contained glee.

So yes, I knew I shouldn't have taken their bait, shouldn't have let the plant doubts in my mind.

But I didn't trust that girl one bit. I knew Bill would never cheat on me. But that girl? She was in love.

An unrequited love, at that. The way she looked at us when we would hold hands, the utter misery that radiated out of her when she would see Bill kiss me...

Her sad eyes would fill up with a longing so heartbreaking that had it been for any other man I would've felt sorry for her.

But it was for Bill. My Bill. It has to be. So I wasn't taking any chances. Whole day today I had sat at Gringotts, stewing over it.

In my mind I kept replaying Bill leaving with her, along with what those goblins had said.

I had left gringotts at precisely 5 pm, having had to work the whole day in Bill's absence. I wasn't the kind of person who kept every bad feeling within her until it soured everything good in my life.

No, I was the one who gave direct answers, asked straight questions and got my problems solved. I knew Bill would clam up if I asked him about leaving or Tonks after he was back. He had done that before.

Like, he was holding something back even though he didn't want to. So before I could let myself think it too much about it, I stepped in a quiet corner of diagon alley, thought of the park, and disapparated with a pop.

I had been waiting here for almost an hour now with no sign of life around me. The goblins were right.

The park was directly across from the ministry of magic. It was dark now, the night utterly black with clouds so thick that it blocked any light that might try to shine from the sky.

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