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The taste of salt hung heavy in the air as we walked - and I felt - our way ahead. Cool drafts of air were a welcome change from the chaos we had just escaped.

After having our beautiful wedding gatecrashed by death eaters, Bill and I had disapparated to the edge of water, where we anxiously waited for some news on the rest of our family's wellbeing.

It was after recieving Arthur's patronus, stating they were all safe, that Bill had conjured up a blindfold out of a handkerchief and informed me of a surprise awaiting me.

Walking uphill for few minutes, I felt him stop and his hand that was entwined with mine reached up to my shoulders as he stood behind me.

"You ready, love?" He asked with unmasked excitement in his voice and I teasingly replied, "aren't I always?"

Warm breath tickled my ear and neck as he bent down and playfully warned, "behave... Now, open your eyes."

He removed the blindfold and I took in an achingly beautiful cottage standing on the cliff of the Lavender sea.

The moonlight shone over the outer walls and the roof of the cottage that were embedded with beautiful seashells and white washed.

The sounds of crashing waves, along with calming, salty air and the view of the cliff where all I could see was sky touching the water, made me want to pinch myself and make sure if it was a dream.

As I took all this in, Bill watched me, his gaze reverently on my face and said, "welcome home, love."

Tears of joy filled my eyes and I jumped up in his arms, kissing the side of his face. Feeling the uneven skin beneath my lips stretch, I smiled huge and looked up at him.

He chuckled and let me slide down his body, holding me close to him and said, "I take it that you like it?"

"Like eet? I love eet, amour! Eet ees perfect! Oh Bill.. eet's so beautiful, " I happily sighed then yelped when he lifted me, bridal style and carried me up and through the threshold, entering our home.

Once inside, he put me back on my feet and flicked his wand, lighting the candles up as he went. I stared at the house in awe. The inside was as beautiful as the outside, with shells decorating every wall artistically.

So immersed I was in taking in everything that I didn't hear him come back until my eyes fell upon him standing in a doorway motionless, gazing at me in a way that made my heart race.

Prowling over to me, his eyes never wavered from mine, as he caught hold of my waist and pulled me to him. The candles flickered, casting shadows on his scars, making him look even more strikingly handsome and mysterious.

The kiss he gave me was different than all the other kisses we had shared so far. It felt like he was imprinting himself into the very soul of mine.

Picking me up again, he carried me to the bedroom, where not a single candle was alight. Moonlight filled the space, making everything in sight bathe in its enchanting glow.

Setting me down at the foot of the bed, he gently pulled Aunt Muriel's tiara from my hairs and set it on a side table, saying, "let's get this out of the harm's way, shall we?"

"What 'arm?" I asked breathlessly.

He gave me a wolfish smile and said, "let me show you," before leaning over me.


2 years later


The smell of baking reached me before I could walk inside the house, letting me know that mum was visiting.

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