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The shutting of our apartment door sounded louder than it normally did as I helped Bill in. Cold shivers still ran through him, but he felt stronger than he did two hours ago.

Atleast he was carrying his own weight, because there was no way I could support him all on my own.

Neither of us spoke as we walked up to the bedroom, my wand lightening up half burnt candles along the way.

After driving last of the dementors away, Tonks had limped up to us and helped me pull Bill to his feet, the three of us together had quickly walking off the park.

Bill was reluctant to leave Tonks' side once we apparated to a secluded road and he led us to a shabby looking house, where an older looking man with light brown hairs and gray flecks answered the door.

He seemed hesitant at first, his gaze lingering on Tonks with concern, but once Bill filled him in on our night so far, his hesitancy dissolved and he looked angry and vigilant, his gaze sweeping protectively over Tonks.

He offered to take us all in but Bill simply shook his head, and gazed deep in the older man's eyes, like having a silent conversation, and muttered, "thanks Remus." before walking away to disapparate to Diagon Alley and leaving Tonks there at his doorstep.

His arm slipped off my shoulders, bringing me to the present, as he dropped on the bed, and closed his eyes.

I stood helplessly near the bed, not knowing what to do to help him. He wasn't physically wounded, but he looked so forlorn and exhausted that I wanted to crawl inside him and take all his troubles away.

Another shiver wracked through him and I leapt to action, deciding on cook something warm for him.

Quietly moving to kitchen, I readied ingredients for the chicken broth. Just as I was about to flick my wand to light up the stove, I felt his presence behind me.

Turning, I was about to send him off to bed but he stood closer than I had expected, making me stumble back to the counter.

His arm reached out, wrapping around my waist, not necessarily to steady me, as he pulled himself even closer to me, our fronts nearly touching, but not quite.

My breath quickened, mingling with his, and my skin felt too tight on my bones. His bright blue eyes seemed to be burning with something, some emotion I couldn't read as he brushed his lips to mine.

His breath fanned over me as he asked, "why did you leave me back there so cold and alone?"

My voice was husky when I replied, "moi came to make tu some soup.. To warm you up.."

If possible, he stepped even closer to me, pressing me back against the counter and whispered, "there are better ways to warm me up, Fleur."

With that, he pressed his lips to mine, kissing me like the world was ending.. Or beginning.

His tongue explored my mouth, as if getting reacquainted with it. I vaguely remember my wand clattering to the floor as Bill lifted me up and carried me to bedroom, the chicken broth behind me long forgotten.


Pain.. Loss... Fear.. Guilt. Every one of those feelings still lingered in me as I closed my eyes in the bedroom, momentarily reliving our encounter with the dementors.

Shuddering violently, I remembered the moment my father described how Ginny, my sister, was taken into the chamber of secrets few years ago, how Ron nearly died in his first year of Hogwarts, mum's boggarts... Everything.

Dementors made you relive your worst memories and nothing came close to it than losing my little siblings that I loved more than words.

Cold shudders wracked through me and I opened my eyes, looking for the person who could warm my ravaged soul, but she wasn't there.

Desperation took over me and I stood up, forgetting my weakened state as I scanned the room looking for Fleur.

I needed her. Just the sight of her was enough to warm my entire being. My breath sped up as I exited the bedroom.

I could hear my heartbeats in my ears as I searched the apartment as if my life depended on finding her. And maybe it did.

Just as I was about to call out loud, I caught sight of her silvery mane of hairs near the stove. Unable to help myself I barged in and stood close to her, letting her warmth drive the cold fear away.

Sensing my presence, she turned and stumbled back. The next few minutes are blurred to me since all I could think of was to get so close to her that nothing ever gets to be between us.

I carried her to my bedroom, devouring her lips, my hands roaming around, exploring all her luscious curves that I was familiar with, but still somehow felt anew.

Slipping her thin cardigan off her shoulders, I revelled in the soft feel of her skin, my rough fingertips grazing over every exposed bit of her flesh.

She did the exploring of her own, her small but sure hands slipping my coat off my shoulders and unbottoning my shirt.

Before long, our frantic hands desperately felt each other's skin, her fingers leaving a trail of goosebumps in its wake.

I could still recall the feeling that ran through me when I thought I had lost her. The memory drove me to push her back, going along with her on the bed.

Nothing about us was gentle today. She firmed her grip on my hairs, pulling me closer to her and devouring my lips while I roughly pushed her dress down her hips, vaguely hearing something tear.

Her skin felt satiny smooth wherever I touched, and I felt addicted to the feel of her pressed beneath me.

She moaned in my mouth reawakening my senses and my lips travelled down her body, nibbling her soft curves, making her groan breathlessly.

I suckled, licked and kissed wherever my lips went, making her grip painfully tighten on my hairs.

We were no strangers to each other's bodies by now, but today felt different. Like, we were somehow binding ourselves to each other.

I pulled back slightly, to gaze deep into her eyes, both of us saying things with our touches that our words never managed to.

I buried my face in the crook of her neck. Her teeth sunk into the flesh of my shoulder making me shudder and lose myself completely in the spell of her. Not the veela spell she generally seemed to cast on other, but something more deep and permanent.

With a loud groan, I collapsed on top of her, promising my body, my heart, my life to her and claiming all of her's for me in that single moment.

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