Dear Black Men (Press Conference)

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Dear Black Men

As a fellow brother of melanin

Let me be completely honest with you

And if you look at me differently

I don't care

You make me SICK!

You claim to love black women

Write poetry about black women

Make music about black women

But degrading black women

Don't protect black women

Don't show up for black women

However, when it comes to other races

You're front and center for those women

No, I'm not a racist or cynical

I'm a real one 

Let's be brutally honest

The most disrespected person in America 

The most unprotected person in America

Is the black woman!

Where is the same energy and protection for them?

Don't you realize

When we say black lives matter

That includes black women too

Where is your empathy?

Where is your compassion?

Where is the accountability?

Consider this an open conversation

A forum

A press conference with questions that I need answers

You pander more than a neanderthal having cancer 

Dear Black Men

I'm starting to get impatient

I'm outraged

I'm traumatized

Watching how the only thing you care about

Is what a black queen has between her thighs

Doing and saying anything you can to get the draws

But can't handle it when they're having mental withdrawals

Or when they get disgruntled by your absence

You think you're the prize, bro?

You think you're a golden child, bro?

Don't you see the pressure, stress, trauma, anxiety 

That black women deal with daily

When's the last time you've shown up for a black queen?

When's the last time you addressed misogyny? 

Your mama should twist, toss, and turn

Knowing that you lack respect 

And chose to give your vote to a rapist

A convicted felon of 34 counts

Because you think a woman can't do what a man can

He can't save you

He can't lead you

He's not a role model

He's the most volatile pedophile

You want respect but ready to bash

You're not merited anything good

Until you acknowledge we've failed black women

Dear Black Men

It's more than just prose and poems

It's being a black man of action

Have a sense of decorum

I'm not saying to be perfect

But be present

Be understanding

Show up because you want to 

Speak up because it's needed

Don't expect a black woman to submit

If you can't lead 

No more broken promises

No more apologies

No more music

No more poetry

They heard it all before

Acknowledge your mistakes

And do something about it

Get it together black men

For the love of God get it together


A brother who's holding you accountable

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