Chapter 4: The New Guy

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I woke up the next morning with a headache. It wasn't too bad, I'd only had a few drinks, but it was still bad enough to need some aspirin and coffee. I started brewing the coffee and then nudged Katie's shoulder to wake her up. "Hey sunshine, it's time to get up if you don't want to be late for work again."

Katie had a nasty habit of not being on time for anything. She mumbled incoherently and rolled over. Unfortunately the couch wasn't big enough for that, so instead of rolling over, she rolled herself right onto the floor.

"Oof!" I laughed at her as she sat up quickly and looked around with bleary eyes.

"Nice going genius." She glared up at me and mumbled again.

"Bitch." I laughed again at her rude awakening and accompanying attitude.

"Would you like some aspirin and coffee to go with that stunning attitude?" She glared at me again and got up. Then she dragged herself to the kitchen where she poured a cup of coffee while I grabbed her some painkillers from the bathroom.

"Thank you." She muttered quietly as I handed her the pills, then I put the bottle on the counter, knowing that when Kay got up, she'd need them too. I started to make some pancakes so we could eat breakfast before Katie left. Then I heard Kay's door open and heard her slow footsteps as she staggered into the kitchen as well.

"Good morning Cinderella, how nice of you to grace us with your lovely presence this morning." I said with a laugh as she glared at me.

"Good morning to you too, you perky bitch. Why the hell are you so happy this morning? I know you didn't get laid." I laughed at that and held out the painkillers and a hot mug of coffee.

"I'm sorry for everything I've ever done to you, just please give those to me..." I handed her both items and went to flip the pancakes before they burned. She took a tentative sip of the coffee and then popped three pills into her mouth and followed them with more coffee.

I put a plate of pancakes on the table with some butter and the bottle of syrup. Kay grabbed a plate and started dishing herself. "Have I ever told you how much I love you? Seriously, if I weren't into guys, I would totally kiss you right now." I laughed, knowing that it was a joke and then handed a plate to Katie.

"Thank you, Callie. And thank you for waking me up and taking care of both of us this morning." Katie had always been the sweet one of us, Kay was the natural flirt and always had guys following her around, and I was the quiet one. We made a great group together and I loved these girls with all my heart.

"What time is it anyway?" Katie asked while looking for her phone.

"It's about 7:45, why?" I answered because Kay was too busy stuffing her mouth with food.

"Oh shit! I'm gonna be late for work! Again!" I laughed as Katie rushed around the room picking up her stuff and getting ready to leave. She flew back into the room and hugged both Kay and I goodbye and then she was gone, flying out my front door like the devil himself was on her heels.

"She's always late. It's a wonder that she keeps her job at all. Don't forget that I have class today, ok?" I reminded Kay that she'd be home alone today.

"I forgot! Thanks for the reminder, I won't lock myself out again, I promise!"

"Good, cause I'm not coming back in the middle of class to let you back in. In fact, don't even call me. I won't answer." The last time she had locked herself out, she called me saying that I needed to come home because it was an emergency, so I wasn't messing around this time.

"But what if I need you...?" She asked with a pout and a whiny voice.

"No. Just don't call me. Not unless the apartment is burning down or someone is murdering you, understand?"

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