Chapter 3: Movie Night

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There was another knock at the door, but this time I knew it was Katie because she had called beforehand to let me know that she was pulling in. I still made Trent open the door anyway, just in case.

Katie waltzed into the kitchen and dropped her bags of snacks on the counter. She always did the snacks and I always did the drinks. Once a week all of us got together for a movie night at Kay and I's apartment. Trent and Josh had their own apartment as well so they usually brought the movie. And Kay chose the letter for the week and we all had to bring things that started with that letter. Often it was difficult but it was always fun. It had kept us close over the years.

This week the letter was "M" and I had made three different types of margaritas. A tropical fishbowl margarita, an "unexpected" margarita, and a strawberry margarita. Katie had brought marshmallows, M & M's and mozzarella sticks, while Josh and Trent brought Man of Steel, the Matrix, and Mission Impossible for the movies. We generally only watched one but they always brought more so that the girls could help choose.

"Which movie should we watch girls?" Josh asked while holding the three choices up. We ruled out Man of Steel immediately because I'm not really into superheroes, and Katie had just watched it with her brother yesterday. Kay had never seen the Matrix, so that's the one we settled on. We put it in, passed around the snacks and served up the drinks. We all got comfortable and then enjoyed a movie together as a group of friends.

By the time it was over a few of us were pretty wasted from the large amounts of alcohol we'd gone through. Trent was always responsible and only had one drink at the beginning of the evening so that he could drive himself and Josh, who was a lightweight, home. Katie would just stay the night here with us since she was already asleep on the couch. The guys left, but before they did, Trent pulled me aside, "If he comes back, don't hesitate to call me. I'll bash his face in." He was completely serious and I loved that he cared so much, it was sweet.

"Thanks Trent, you don't know how much that means to me." I hugged him and buried my face in his chest.

"I love you Callie, you know that right?"

"Of course I do. You're my best friend, and I love you too." I glanced up at him as I said it and I saw a little sadness in his eyes. "What's wrong Trent?"

"Nothing, Vixen. I meant what I said ok? Call me, and I'll be here in 5 minutes."

"It's at least a 15 minute drive from your apartment to here! Even if you're speeding!" There's no way that he could make it here in 5 minutes!

"5 minutes at the most. I'll be here. Ok?"

"Alright Trent. If you say so." I agreed knowing that that was the only way that he'd actually leave my apartment and take Josh home. He ushered Josh out of my apartment and carefully guided him down the hall and out of sight.

"Who was he talking about?" Kay must've been listening to us talk.

"I don't know what you're talking about, you're drunk." I tried to distract her, hoping that she wouldn't remember anything tomorrow.

"Not drunk enough to not understand that he was talking about someone showing up here who you don't like. Who was he talking about?"

"You're more stubborn than usual when you're drunk, why don't we get you to bed, Kay?"

"Just answer the damn question Callie. Now." She was starting to get frustrated.

"Alright, he was talking about Jon."

"Jon, as in your ex-boyfriend, Jon? Why?"

"Yes, and cause he might've shown up here earlier before Katie got here..." I told her quietly, knowing what was coming next.

"And you didn't think it was worth mentioning...?" Now she was pissed off, and a pissed off Kay was never any fun.

"Trent handled it and I don't think that he'll be coming back. I didn't want to worry you!"

"What makes you think that he won't come back? You're everything that he could ever want! You think he won't fight for you?"

"No. He won't. I know he won't, he didn't fight for me six years ago when he had the chance so what would be different now?" She was with me through the whole thing, she should know that he wouldn't fight for me.

"Let's agree to disagree. You said that Trent took care of it, how?"

"Well..." I was a little embarrassed about that part, actually.

"Well what? What did he do?"

"Hepretendedtobemyboyfriendandmight'vethreatenedtokillJonifhedidntleavesoon..." I said in a rush hoping that she wouldn't make a big deal out of it.

(He pretended to be my boyfriend and might've threatened to kill Jon if he didn't leave soon...)

"He did what?" She asked in confusion.

"He pretended to be my boyfriend and kicked Jon out basically."

"Wow. He must like you more than I thought."

"We're best friends, of course he likes me! That's what friends do for each other, you know?" I laughed at her statement, it made it sound like he like liked me. Like he liked me as more than just a friend, but I knew that was crazy. We were just friends.

"That's not what I meant... You honestly can't see it can you?"

"See what? You're not making any sense." Now I was the one confused.

"Never mind, I'm drunk anyway. If he does show back up, I'll help Trent bash his face in. Remember that I saw everything that you went through." Then she pulled me into a hug, said goodnight and disappeared into her bedroom.

"I'm really confused..." I whispered to myself before heading to bed as well.


Hey guys! I know it's been awhile and I'm sorry, but here it is! The next chapter! What do you think Katie is talking about?? And do YOU think that Trent likes Callie as more than a friend? So far who do you like better, Trent or Jon? Don't be too harsh on the chapter, ok? But definitely be honest, please? Thanks guys! As always, please VOTE, COMMENT, and sharing is caring so that's always good too! Love you all! By the way, the picture is of the tropical fishbowl margaritas, yes they are a thing ;)

~Vixen (that's where Callie got her nickname from, cuz it's what my friends call me XD )

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