Chapter 7: You never said...

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I crawled out from underneath the table and sat back down. I shot a frosty glare at Mel who just giggled in response. "Some friend you are..."

"But you love me!" She looked at me with her puppy dog face and I laughed at her. Then I felt a weight drop into the seat next to me and remembered who our present company was.

"Hello Jon. What are you doing here?" I looked over at him with disdain, trying to mask my panic. It sucks when your past catches up with your present. He looked back at me and as I met his beautiful brown eyes with my icy ones I couldn't help but remember why I fell in love with him all those years ago. He was the one that I thought that I'd walk down the aisle for, that I'd build a family with and the man that I thought was my soulmate, my other half, but I was definitely wrong.

"Well I was here to get coffee, but it looks like God must've taken pity on me and offered me another chance at Heaven, because I came to the very same place that you were, at the very same time, no less." He gave a small smile and my stomach dropped, I felt like a little girl all over again. Get it together, girl! You know better than this! He doesn't love you, and he never will. He proved that when he walked out on you. Get over yourself. I pulled my gaze away from his and stared down at my lukewarm cup of coffee and hardened my melting heart. I didn't love him. I couldn't. "Callie?"

"What do you want from me, Jon? Why are you here? And I don't mean here in the café, I mean here in Washington, why? And why now?" I looked at him and demanded the answers that I had searched for desperately years ago. He just looked back at me and gave me a sad smile.

"I want to talk to you. And I'm here to do exactly that. I came back so that I could win you back, and I know that it'll be a slow process, but I'm willing to put in the work, just give me a chance? I just want to talk right now, to explain some things..."

"You're about 6 years too late, Jon." The tears started to well in my eyes and I blinked them away, hard.

"Please, Callie. Just one conversation." He sounded so desperate...

"Why don't you two stay here and talk? I've got to get to my next class anyway. I'll call you when I'm out, ok Callie? Just give him one conversation, it sounds like you deserve at least that much." Mel was right. I needed some answers, and if I talked with him now then maybe he wouldn't come back and I could meet up with Mel later and give her the rest of the story. She'd been dying to know anyway.

"Fine. You can have one conversation, and that's only because I need some questions answered, but you're sitting on that side of the table."

He sighed in relief and got up from the seat next to me, I got up as well and hugged Mel goodbye, "Call me later, ok? We'll get together and I promise that I'll explain everything."

"I trust you. But give him a chance, ok? I don't know what happened, but you both need to talk, there's obviously some pretty deep pain. Just talk about it, you'll feel better, and if you don't then I will pick up ice cream and a chick flick for us to watch while you explain yourself." I almost cried when I heard her whisper in my ear. She was definitely a great friend; I didn't deserve her. I sat back down at the table and Jon sat across from me. I watched Mel walk towards her car through the window.

"Please look at me.." His voice brought the tears back immediately. I choked them back and looked him square in the eyes.

"You wanted to talk. So let's talk." I wasn't sure what I should be feeling, but I knew that I was angry. This was the second time that he had showed up in a very short amount of time and I didn't know how to react.

"I put my foot in my mouth yesterday, and I'm sorry. I didn't come to apologize, I mean I did, but that wasn't what I was planning on starting with. I had this perfect speech planned out, but when I saw you again after so long, the words got a little lost in transit from my brain to my mouth. And then that Trent guy just pissed me off last night and I didn't react very well. I'm sorry for my words, and my reaction, it wasn't right. And if you're really with Trent, then I hope that you're happy, you deserve to be happy at least. But if you're not happy, then I want to make sure that you know that I might have screwed up forever ago, but I will do whatever it takes to make you happy. If you just give me that chance."

"You know I can't do that. You walked away from me, and this is the first I've even heard from you since then. That was six damn years ago Jonathan. Six years is a long time. You've apologized, and I thank you for that, but no. You don't get another chance at my heart. I'm not stupid."

"I understand that. You need to know that I'll be here for awhile. I've moved back, and I plan on becoming a part of your life, even if I'm only a friend, as long as you'll let me."

"We can talk, Jon. But I will promise you no more than that. I'm still angry and hurt and there's a lot of stuff to work through, but I'm not telling you that I refuse to be friends. You were one of my closest friends for a long time, and I'll admit that I do miss that friendship."

"Thank you, Callie. I promise that you wont regret it, I'll earn that friendship."

"Alright, if that's what makes you happy, then fine. But I'm going to go now. I've had enough for today. Goodbye, Jonathan." I stood up from the table and so did he.

"Goodbye, Callie. It was nice to talk to you, we'll have to do it again sometime soon." We said our goodbyes and as I was walking away he grabbed my hand and quickly pressed it to his lips gently. "Thank you, sweetheart."

I pulled my hand away and moved towards the door, unsure of how to react to that familiar gesture and nickname. As I reached the door I heard his voice from behind me again. "Callie!" I turned back around to look at him,


He looked at me again with a mischievous smile. "You never said that you didn't still love me."


Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Please comment, vote, and all that good stuff! Talk to you guys again soon!!


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