Chapter 5: Making Friends

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Class had finally ended! It had always been my favorite class but with William beside me, sitting so close I'd been distracted the whole time. Melissa linked our arms together and dragged me to the little cafe where we always got lunch together.

"So, I saw you eyeing that new guy William. Is the Ice Queen finally melting?" She looked at me with a mischievous glint in her eye. I slapped her arm and denied it vehemently.

"No! He's so not my type! I mean, come on Mel, he looked like a total ass."

"So you were eyeing his ass! I knew it!"

"That's not what I meant! I meant that he looked completely full of himself, did you see those muscles? Someone clearly spends too much time at the gym. And probably looking at himself in the mirror too." She smirked at me.

"Methinks the lady doth protest too much."

"Whatever, Shakespeare."

"You were so checking him out. Don't deny it. I know you too well."

"Fine. I was checking him out." I admitted in defeat. She does actually know me well enough to know.

"Ha! I knew it! I mean, how could you not? The way his shirt stretched over his arms, or the way that those jeans cupped that delicious-"

"Mel. Just stop." I sighed, Melissa could get a little boy crazy if she wasn't kept in check. And I really didn't want to hear her rattle on for the next hour about what the new guy was wearing and his body.

"But I wanted to hear her praise my wonderful, sexy qualities. She's not wrong. I am hot, and I do have an awesome body." An unfamiliar voice said from behind us. When Mel caught sight of who it was she stopped with her roast beef and peperoncini sandwich halfway to her mouth. I flipped around and gaped at the familiar black haired boy that was standing behind us. He'd been listening to their conversation the whole time?! That meant that he'd heard her admit that she was checking him out....

"Well then doll face, I hear that you were checking me out? You know.. If you just agree to come home with me on Friday night then you won't have to hide your shameless staring." William smirked as he slid into the seat next to me at the table, and leaned toward her like a total flirt.

Did he honestly think that he could just walk up to her and talk to her like she was some easy whore who was so desperate for male attention that she'd stoop so low as to sleep with him just because he was hot? She wasn't the type to pine over a man like some damsel in distress waiting for her Prince Charming. The chauvinistic pig! Well newsflash asshole, she was an independent woman who was more than capable of taking care of herself! In fact, she was about to show him how she dealt with unwanted attention.

I leaned forward so that our faces were almost touching and sighed dramatically, my breath ghosting across his cheek. "If only you'd actually gotten to know me and asked me out on a real date with the intention of falling in love with me, I might've even said yes. At least then I wouldn't have had to do this..." Then I stood up and poured my cup of iced tea over his head. The liquid spilled over his perfectly styled hair and soaked his shirt and lap. His jaw dropped as he looked up at me.

I stalked away from the table and towards the front exit. I could hear Mel  quickly apologizing to William behind me, but I was too pissed off to care.

"Was it really necessary to pour your drink over his head? All he did was ask you out... You could've at least not ruined the beautiful picture for everyone else..." Mel pouted.

"He was just so arrogant Mel. He didn't just ask me out, he asked me to be his bedmate for the night! He treated me like I was some desperate slut!"

"So you're saying that if he'd asked you out nicely then you would've said yes?" Mel looked at excited at the prospect that I might've accepted a date.

"Don't be stupid, of course not. But at least I wouldn't have dumped my tea on him." I hadn't been on an actual date in so long that the idea actually kind of scared me.

"Why not Callie? What are you so afraid of?" Mel sounded exhausted and I knew it was because we had this discussion every time I turned down another date.

"I'm not afraid." I said.

"Then why?"

"Can we please talk about something else? Please Mel?" I desperately didn't want to have this conversation, not now, not ever. Melissa looked undecided, and I could tell that she didn't want to let this one go.

"Please." She sighed and nodded her head.

"Fine. But you owe me coffee."

"Gladly!" I agreed with a thankful smile. I wasn't ready to talk yet. It still hurt.

William's POV

I can't believe that she walked away from me. No girl had ever turned me down like that, and I'd only been doused in a drink when one of my girls had thought that I was cheating on her. I hadn't been but I'd broken up with her anyway. She was too high maintenance for my taste. This girl though, was different. She valued herself and I found that unbelievably attractive. She was confident and had enough self worth to turn me down because I hadn't asked her to go on a proper date. Well, now I was intrigued. What an interesting female. I'd have to get to know her.


Little shorter this time around, sorry guys. I felt like this was a good place to end it. To be honest this is definitely not how I planned this chapter would go, but I think it was right. So what do you think Callie didn't want to talk about? Why do you think that she refuses to date? The first correct guess gets a shoutout!! Thanks for reading guys! Don't forget, please VOTE, COMMENT, and sharing is caring so that's always good too! Love you guys!


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