Chapter 2: Waking Up

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Quick Author note: I just want to thank whoever read the first chap and bothered to go on and read the second, as for the next chapters it will be updated daily unless two or more persons asked me to post a new one, so once more thank you my beautiful readers and next time please don't be shy to vote/post a comment to let me know you care,

All the love, #HR :)

Donia's P.O.V:


After I got drugged and dragged I've had one of the longest slumbers ever, probably because the drug was too strong and I was already too tired to NOT fall asleep so when I woke up it was midday and I knew because the sun was too bright for a winter day, I was in a place that I haven't seen before lying on a bed and covered with sheets, it was as if my mother tucked me in herself-but I knew better.

The memories of last night started coming back to me and I knew that I was kidnapped, with rising panic I jolted up sitting and scanned the room but it was empty I saw that there was a living room and a kitchen and a door that I was pretty sure it led to a bathroom-it was an apartment-it was all opened to itself like it was an apartment for one. I heard a move in the bathroom and I was alerted that my kidnapper was probably in there right now and doesn't know that I was up so I jumped to my feet quickly and quietly and took some light steps reaching for the door idiotically thinking it would somehow be unlocked, but while I'm light-running my way to the door I stepped on something and screamed so loudly that not just my kidnapper would've heard me, but every single building around in the perimeter could and when I looked down to see what I had stepped on I was so outraged. I had stepped on a Lego, A STINKING FOOT-MURDERING LEGO!

I didn't care about stealthy anymore I just broke into a run and tried to get out, as expected the door was locked but I didn't care I just kept trying and I was not going to let go of the door knob until I was out or I broke the handle. behind me I heard someone burst out of the bathroom and I didn't bother to look who it was but I heard him running my direction so I tried double the effort but the handle wouldn't budge. It was too late, I was already being dragged away from the handle as strong arms were now grasping me in an iron grip forbidding me to resist and I was hauled up, he seemed to grunt with the effort as he spoke between gritted teeth:

"if that handle breaks both of us will be trapped here!" he said throwing me down on the bed, I turned to face him looking like a frightened little kitten and what was standing in front of me was definitely not your typical normal day kidnapper. He was not buffed nor bald nor scary looking-if anything he was even good looking- he was tall and had a messy light-brown hair with a matching lightly trimmed beard and he had those eyes where you can't exactly point out what color they were, if they were blue or grey or even green! it took me a second to take in all his features and another second to conclude that he was handsome and....shirtless?

Still looking like a scared little kitten I, now, had a horrified look on my face as I backed away like it'd do me much good, he took a step forward slowly as if approaching a dangerous beast as he said in a soothing calm voice "it's okay now I won't hurt you, no need to be scared" but he might as well have said 'you're being kidnapped and will be sliced to pieces and fed to hungry cannibals' I was still shaking and trembling. He seemed to be harmless but I still could not control it, he asked me "Hi, my name is Said, what's your name?" I didn't respond, I just stared at him scared out of my wits and he seemed to understand that I was still not used to the atmosphere so he said "it's okay, fine. If you don't really like me....or this situation at all it's cool I understand, it'd suck if i was kidnapped too but I just want to let you know that we mean no harm really and it'd be great if you cooperated nicely" he seemed too polite to be an all mighty badass kidnapper but I still didn't let it faze me. I now dropped my scared expression and wore a hatred and loathing one, I wanted to scream 'WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU MEANT NO HARM YOU DICKHEAD YOU JUST FREAKING KIDNAPPED ME!!!' but I kept my mouth shut. He looked as if hurt by my expression and was taken aback so he just backed away respecting my choices

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