Chapter 18: A New Friend

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Ahmed's P.O.V:


It wasn't even 5 yet before I got a text from BMd asking me to come over a bit early cause he needs to go 'grocery shopping' and he can't leave her alone there, I got up and dressed_in a new untorn shirt_and was there immediately "well that was fast" my friend said opening the door for me looking at his phone then back up at me, I grinned and said "I'd rather say that was a career low for me since I live next door but thanks to someone-" I looked at her with fake bitter look "-I can't go two steps without wincing and stopping to take my breath" she looked highly bored and backfired me with sarcasm "oh man up and suck it it's just a stupid bruise!" and waved me off I retorted "a stupid bruise that's been caused by a human she-wolf!" she was gonna sass me back and we were gonna go at it again if it wasn't for my friend that yelled "children please! enough with the childish talk back!" he was so not fit for the role of a grown up, but we both shut it and he spoke once again "okay ladies I'mma go get the shit you asked me for and might as well get that painkillers for you" he said addressing each of us separately then thrust his index at her and said "You behave" and now he turned on me "and you...just try not to provoke her for your own sake" he said and slapped me lightly on my stomach resulting of me wincing badly so he added "geez man you really do need to suck it up!" I just looked up at him and glared in pain but all I got in return was one of his childish sheepish smiles and he was out leaving me with the she-wolf.

"I seriously have no idea what he sees in you" I, now, addressed her teasingly seizing her up and down, she looked outraged for a moment but no doubt she was blushing and retorted with too much hostility to be joking "and what is that supposed to mean?!" I didn't take it personally tho and replied cooly smirking "oh don't play dumb with me you know exactly what I'm talking about" she was definitely turning a violent shade of red now but somehow she kept her head cool and replied "The only thing I exactly know about is that the injuries you have now would be minor to the injuries I'll cause to you in the next five minutes if you don't shut up" okay that one got me, I lied low for a while but I wasn't gonna drop the subject, I was just going to change it_for now_so I wrecked my brain trying to come up with anything to say but I got nothing. Surprisingly she spoke up first "Hey man I'm sorry" she seemed sincere and I was surprised at her sudden apology "for what exactly....?" I asked lightly sarcastic and she copied my smirk and cool act as she said "oh don't play dumb with me you know exactly what I'm talking about" I gave out a small laugh and replied "Ne t' casse pas la tête" she laughed along for a second before she noticed something was different

"You speak French?!" she gaped at me excitedly, I shook my head and replied "Um no not really, BMd is the one who does and I kinda picked up a thing or two from him" I admitted, she now looked even more excited as she said "WOW! That's bloody awesome! why didn't he tell me?!" she looked like an over-hyper little puppy and it was quite amusing

"Well you didn't ask" I replied and she replied one more time with enthusiasm "That's so cool, I've never thought that guys were capable of speaking French specifically, I've always thought it was just a girls thing" she grinned.

"You know that boys French schools exist, right?" I joked.

"Yeah but there's only two around here and quite honestly I'd be very disappointed if he went to the one that didn't have a high school after prep, heard it had a bad rep" she said a bit worried.

"Nah, he went to that big one that I can't really recall it's name" I replied reassuring her and her face lit up suddenly without a specific reason

"HEY! My school is close by that one!" she exclaimed and now was my turn to get excited.

"You go to that all-hot-girls French school?!" I said, I used to love hanging around my friend's school back then cause the girls school next to them all their girls population were cute.

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