Chapter 14: A Conclusion

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Ahmed's P.O.V:


The next few minutes of my life has been literal HELL, I braced myself and covered my face but I could still see her from the gaps of my arms as she leaped and kicked the floor with her feet and jumped on me bringing me down to the ground. I automatically screamed as a reaction as she tried to bite into my arm but I dodged and got rewarded by a knee to my ribs and I winced loudly. I could hear BMd shouting for her to stop and take it easy on me, a part of me felt offended that he thought that I can't take an ass whooping, while the other begged for her to listen to him and stop but all I could do right now was scream for help and beg for my life.

Five minutes later, she got off me all by herself and she was panting hard and had a red piece of cloth between her teeth, she spat it when she got on her feet. I just noticed that it was a piece of MY shirt! I was now full of scratches and bruises and I've never felt more sore in my entire life. I was sprawled on the floor whimpering and hoping I didn't sound as pathetic as I felt, I heard her mutter "Geez it's really hard to get a challenging prey these days" and she had a look of distaste on her face and I had a horrified one on mine....and BMd had a slightly irritated one on his. He was trying to help me up and I let him. He set me down on the closest seat as he addressed her in a disturbed tone "Hey what was all that for?!" and she shrugged acting all defensive "I had to do it or else I'd start seeing lemures every time I look at his face for the rest of my life! it's a psychotic case I have..." she seemed embarrassed to say it out loud, probably too scared to be judged_too late for that now don't ya think?_but BMd didn't seem fazed by her sudden declaration and said "so let me get this straight, if you didn't unleash your fury on someone and cleared your record you're gonna start seeing...what did you call it?" and she filled the points "Lemures, angry ghosts and I didn't mean it literally I meant that I'll just be too agitated around him and won't ever be able to forgive him" she explained.

Yeah sure I felt like an asshole for not helping her or coming to her rescue when she needed my aid to take cover, but what could have I done? I can't betray my mates! plus I wouldn't have given her to BMd if I knew he'd hurt or abuse her, I know my friend he'd never do that but even then I didn't allow him to have her back before he promised me he wouldn't lay a finger on her or even just terrorize her by any possible way. BMd now was addressing me after finishing pointing fingers with her on whose fault it was and said "Hey man, you okay? are you seriously hurt or need medical care?" he sounded genuinely concerned but he relaxed as if he knew no real damage was done and I nodded too worn out/tired to speak, he turned back to her and said "okay now apologize and check him for injuries" he had an ordering tone that I've only heard so often.

She started objecting on why should she apologize and he replied his tone growing more authoritative, she groaned and stepped her foot on the ground but agreed to and she turned to look at me and said "Paenitet" in a small voice and I quite honestly had no idea what she said and so did BMd as he raised his eyebrow for her to say it in a known language, she groaned and said "ugh fine, pardon!" she looked at me as she said the last word and BMd raised one eyebrow this time and she retorted "what? French is a living language!" and he replied "okay how many languages are you going to use before you say 'sorry' properly?" she smiled sheepishly and answered "I still have Japanese and Spanish" my friend rolled his eyes on her. I spoke for the first time my voice sounding like a rusty saw "it's fine really she doesn't have to, now we're even it's cool" I was trying not to get on her bad side since practically it IS my fault_doesn't decline the fact that I still see her as a she-wolf_she grinned happily and said to my friend "SEE? he's totally cool with it!" and my friend shook his head with frustration and added "alright but you're still going to check him for injuries and fix whatever you've broken" she didn't seem to mind that, if anything she looked glad and excited as she nodded gleefully.

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