Chapter 24: An Apology

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Sara's P.O.V:


It has been almost whole hour since that other douche bag left and I was going out of my mind, for one thing I was too worried for Ahmed to get himself hurt, and the other thing (which I hate myself for worrying about) is if that Ahmed hurts HIM or something of sort. Yeah I should be hating him right now and give no crap of what happens to him, if anything I should WANT Ahmed to hurt him badly like he hurt me but it was helpless, I was helpless, I just couldn't bring myself to hate him enough to wish he gets hurt and I LOATH myself for thinking that. Why can't I just simply hate the guy and he practically did everything worth hating for?! I swatted that thought away as I paced up and down the whole apartment literally memorizing every inch of wall scratch in it_I had a whole hour to do so_ and chewed my 10 nails off.

It was 6:59 now and if I waited ONE more minute I was gonna break off the door with my bare hands and barge in on them. I stared at the clock counting that last minute readying myself to turn my hulk-mode on when it was 7:00, but 5 seconds before the clock pointed exactly at 7:00 I heard keys clicking in the door. I jumped up on my feet and stared at the door bracing myself of the dreadful scene that my brain made up of Ahmed looking banged up and bruised, but what I've actually seen wasn't exactly in any of my scenarios. Ahmed opened the door halfway looking half nervous half excited with zero face injuries and I started taking wide steps at his direction ready to slap then hug him but I was stopped mid-track by him saying "if you don't mind I've got someone here that'd like to apologize" when he said that I felt as if an invisible dagger went through my heart as an invisible hand twisted it, I stood there petrified and slightly startled with a wide-eyed expression on my face which inclined that I was more scared and nervous than angry but clearly Ahmed took it as a sign to bring him in! He side-stepped from the door opening it wider for his mate to come in and when I laid my eyes on him I felt the breath knocked out from my lunges. Ahmed urgently whispered something to him and he hissed back as if objecting on whatever he said and soon enough they had a furious-whispering conversation that lasted for 5 seconds before he growled at Ahmed saying audible enough for me to hear "just leave already!" and with one last glare at him Ahmed turned to me with an awkward smile and said cheerily "I'll just leave you two to it then!" and he backed off the door and closed it after letting his mate in.

For the first 5 minutes we just stood there in awkward silence staring at each other, he was dressed differently than what I've left him in, he wore a blue long-sleeved T-shirt that outlined his biceps and chest muscles perfectly making him look too damn good and seductive for such a situation, and his hair looked fresh and newly washed and it was still dripping wet, his black hair glistering reflecting the light and it was a bit messy but it was clear that he had tried to comb it but he whether failed or didn't have the time, all in all he looked as dashing as ever.

After what it felt like forever, a brilliant thought occurred to him which was he finally decided to 'say something', he cleared his throat for a starter and he now got my full attention "I have no idea what or where to start with and you've got no idea how my former actions have left me repentant and sorry" that seemed to somehow anger me cause it sounded too formal as if he's writing a speech not genuinely apologizing so I crossed my arms and looked at him coldly saying "yeah I'm very well aware of that since it seems fitting and appropriate to your previous outrageous actions" you wanted formal? oh I can do formal darling! but that seemed to make him snap out of his 'fromality' as he shook his head taking a few steps forward and said "Listen I'm not good using words in other ways than my rap but I want you to know that I'm very very sorry and I regret it all, I regret being an asshole all day and I regret telling one of the closest friend of mine something that hurt him and I regret raising my voice and I sure as hell regret lifting a damn finger on you!" he finally let it all out exasperated and his face also started to reflect it at last, but I still wasn't just gonna be able to get all hearts and rainbows with him just because he said a few words and apologized! but I also didn't have anything to respond with or say so I just sighed and looked at the ground not facing him, he went on saying "I'm not asking for your forgiveness right away, you can take your time but all I'm asking for is just a second chance, a chance to correct all the mistakes I've done in the past two days, a chance to make it up to you! And I give you my word if you'd forgive me I will never do as much as get pissed off in front of you or even raise my voice in your presence" his eyes were begging and his whole face was full of pleading yet I seemed to find some cruelty in my heart to tell him with tone cold as steel "One thing I can assure you from that last bunch of crap, which is: yeah your damn right it will never happen again" I turned my eyes away from him once again after I said my sentence which I meant it, if he ever lays a hand on me again he will no longer live to see the next day's dawn break, but to him it probably sounded (and I wanted for it to sound this exact way to him) more like that: yes it won't ever happen again cause I'm gonna cut you off my life forever and I don't want to ever see you again.

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